Challenge Response: Dean and Sam get day jobs.

May 03, 2006 17:33

I was meant to post this yesterday, but my sister said my second half needed work, so I worked on it. Then, two hours ago, I got hit with a better idea and re-wrote the whole ending, lol. Still not completely happy with the last third, but you have to take the bad with the good, I s'pose. Writing office!Dean is *so* much fun! I recommend everyone ( Read more... )

challenge response, fanfic, supernatural

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amy_star_ June 4 2006, 06:42:43 UTC
You are aware that both this and Haunted are nominated for Lawrence Awards, right? CONGRATULATIONS! (And I suck and didn't actually nominate *anyone* in time, so it's not me to blame... lol)


mmarinov June 4 2006, 07:48:41 UTC
They are??? *goes to check* ...


Haunted by Mariner...Lol! I better email them about that :P

Aw, thank you so much for letting me know! It's made my night :D


winchesterrules June 4 2006, 07:51:09 UTC
You deserve it - I told you that Haunted was the first highly-recommended fic I'd come across in the Supernatural fandom. And it's the one that made me decide to stay and play here.

(Obviously. As I'm logged in under my Dean role-playing account. *g*)


mmarinov June 5 2006, 07:40:06 UTC
How cool, you have a role-playing account! What's it like being Dean? :D
And aww, thanks so much for those compliments, it always lightens my day to hear good stuff about my fanfic :) There's no motivational tool quite like being a part of fandom.


amy_star_ June 5 2006, 07:57:58 UTC
Dean is... scary, actually. He's not sure who he can trust, so he hides a lot with a good-ol'-boy front. He's in a mostly safe place (near as he can tell) so he's trying to let his hair down (metaphorically, obviously) but at the same time, because they don't know what exactly is happening they *can't* just relax. But he's moving outside his comfort zones and trying hard to let himself be vulnerable, while not putting Sam in a position of anything but utter safety. So while he wants to relax, have a good time, make friends for possibly the first time in his life - people who like him for being *Dean* and not just what he can do for them, people who aren't *just* other hunters - maybe even meet a nice girl... he doesn't know how to trust and let go. He's afraid that if he takes that chance *Sam* can get hurt. He knows that the people there all come from extraordinary circumstances, and most of them probably fight on the same side that he does, but he's not 100% sure he can trust that information, so he holds back. He's constantly ( ... )


mmarinov June 6 2006, 14:48:30 UTC
It'd be a hard task getting into Dean's head! You seem to be having fun with it though ;)

And this is me formally asking you to beta for me again, lol. I'm almost finished my first chapter in a new multi-chap. May I send it to you? *batters eyelashes*


amy_star_ June 7 2006, 01:20:12 UTC
I would love to! :D


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