Aug 30, 2005 13:40
well someone thought I died so I guess Ill update. I didnt fall in a whole I think I just forgot I had an LJ? Its been a while sence June 14th
Im still at sac I quit that job a long time ago. THANK GOD! I just got hired like last week at HEB as a checker and I start training this week. Its going to be hard core. I have like a week of trainging before I can even press a botton.
Im takeing 15 hours. Eng, math, class guitar, band, and weight lifting.. yes weight lifting haha. I know its funny cause im a scronny white boy but believe me I can feel it haha. Im in bad shape and its been a while sence I did anything that got the heart pumping so I thought what the heck.
I got an epi pin today haha. Its for when you have an alergic reaction and your in the middle of no where and or you have no way to get to a med clinic. It looks like a pic and you take the top of and ram it into your leg and it shoots you full of adrinalin haha, hard core right. Its not as bad as it sounds though. I will probly never need it. Im really careful about what eat and stuff. In the past few years I havent really had that many alergic reactions but hey if Im camping or something and my throte closes I know what to do haha. Ive never had to use one though so those of you that hang out with me you probly wont have to shoot me full of stuff anytime soon. I have had to go to the med clinic before though. but like I said not that many times really.
THeres my update... maybe I wont wait 3 months for the next... haha