Mar 28, 2005 19:26
Easter weekend was fun. The finally toor down that house next door to me but they didnt warn us. Theres alot of mold in there and Im alregic to it along with the ladie next door to it and they were suposed to let us know so we could leave. So I woke up and my dad had a job and he said he had to get me out of there. His job was by the quory (wow thats really wrong... I think??? haha) so thats where he droped me off. I was mainly in borders the whole time. It was ok but it was getting boring. I called my sister knowing she shops alot. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was fixin to go shopping so she picked me up. Then she took me home after a while and I watched Josh. The next day i watched Josh all day long and then the next day was sunday.
Sunday was cool. The youth minister did that service. It was really good. Right now my church is looking for a new minister and I think he should be it along with like everyone else but we will see. It went well and then after we went home and ate with my big sister and then went to my aunts. I was not too excited about that cause no one really but one person talks to me on that side of the family. they are all red necks and we have nothing in commen what so ever. We got there and my nephew was the most hyper Ive ever seen him in my life! and it was amazingly funny. My cusin did talk to me but it was about how drunk he was and how he almost got busted for it at Port A during spring break... didnt really relate there haha. Then we went home and used the rest of the film my big sister had on stupid funny pictures. in like two we made it look like a Glisson Metal band and then one with me poseing like a red neck with a mullet. Funny stuff. Later that night I ran into a friend of mine that I haddent seen in a while. It was cool. we are suposed to hang out. He plays guitar and Im hopeing we can jam out sometime. Hes pretty good.
Then at the end of the night I did a major paper that I had all week to do haha.