Nov 20, 2004 10:29
it's on tonight! me, sebastian, others, pool & alcohol.
in other news, I've made a somewhat tentative decision about my future. I'm applying for graduate school at TAMUCC and a teaching assistantship job. If I get the TA job, then my tuition is waved and I get a small stipend, and that's the only way I'll do it, because otherwise I won't be able to afford tuition without going into debt, and I outright refuse to take out a student loan or pay one dime of graduate school out of my own pocket. Damnit, if Robb and Nancy and Vanessa didn't have to pay for grad school then neither should I.
having said that, last night was Kenneth's birthday and we all met his new girlfriend. I think they're perfect for each other.
I gave John a chinese finger trap the other day and he has since been torturing everyone with it. He also has a whoopie cushion which he has fooled my mom with many, many times. It must be nice for the kids to have a grandmother who is on the same level as them. She's so funny sometimes. and it's sweet.
see ya later.