Monday, monday

Nov 21, 2005 09:14

So, I got up this morning, pretty much on time after noticing that the heater kept coming on and it was pretty toasty in the bedroom. Never mind. Forge ahead - get dressed, make coffee, toast, pack lunch and snacks. Check temp outside and in the paper and pick out appropriate gear; gloves, hat, scarf, coat, shoes, etc. Just love winter sometimes. Tiptoe into bedroom to kiss snoozing DH. Check for iPod and bus pass in purse. No bus pass. I was in such a jolly mood up until that point. I had cleaned out my purse the night before and it was there before I left for my book club. Shit. Dumped out purse, nothing. Went through icky trash into which I had thrown all my superfluous crap from my purse the night before. Trash had been embiggened by various unrecognizable creepy stuff and about one pound of pet hair and snotty kleenex. Nothing. By this time, I had ripped off all my outer winter gear and was fuming. It was SO FUCKING HOT in the house. I seemed to remember my DH resetting the digital thermostat at bedtime and not really thinking too much about it. He's always cold, I'm always hot. Old story. By this time I realized that I would have to drive because if I did want to pay full price for the fucking bus, not that I had the right change or anything close to it, I would have missed my bus and would arrive approximately one hour late to work. So I would have to drive and pay for parking. I stormed out of the house, opened up the car (which needed to be thawed out, naturally) and there on the floor was my dang bus pass. If I hadn't cleaned out my purse it would have been wedged into its usual place by all my empty chewing gum packages and snotty kleenex and would not have fallen out when my purse flew off the seat that time when I slammed on my brakes the night before.
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