Why Democrats should fear McCain.

Apr 10, 2008 19:59

I'm currently watching American Idol, they're doing their Idol Gives Back extravaganza (probably the only telethon I've seen in the US that rivals something like Comic Relief back in the UK, take from that what you will), and they had all 3 of the current Presidential hopefuls saying something about what is effectively the biggest US TV charity event in history.
Clinton talked about how she had worked with many of the organizations who take the charitable donations. Obama said... I don't even remember what Obama said. Something about it being real good to give money to charity, probably. And McCain... McCain said...You know, American Idol is a lot like a Presidential Primary. Except for those of you in Florida and Michigan. Because on American Idol, your votes actually count. Now I'm off to work on my immigration plan. I'll get Simon out of here somehow.
OK, so there was the obligatory charity stuff in there somewhere too, but the point is, I laughed. I liked McCain. I thought Clinton was arrogant and self-righteous, and Obama was kind of dull.

And there, right there, is the Democrats' problem. Because McCain, McCain is formidable, and why is summed up right in those clips.

In other news, B's off to California, so I'm home alone with the dog. And the dog is clearly distressed. It's funny, I thought she'd be a little concerned, but she's really worried that we're without B. Heck, I don't like it that she's gone, it doesn't feel comfortable, so maybe the dog is feeding off that feeling from me, but still. At least I have sake (Tentaka Kuni, thanks for asking. It means "Hawk in the Heavens," and it's kind of OK, but not great. The brewery was founded after the owner went to Kyoto and saw a hawk circling overhead in a vision, and for whatever reason took that vision to mean he needed to start producing alcohol). And come Saturday, I'm going to watch the new master of Seven Samurai. But I feel lonely.
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