I've had a couple of people, including my own father, ask me if I'm giving up my U.S. citizenship by moving to this new job. I guess it's a fair question, especially from someone like my dad who has never even traveled overseas before. But it's kind of depressing that people would even think that the answer could be yes. Does my love for my country seem so slight?
Take Barack Obama. A whisper campaign has recently started in the capital, suggested that he is not patriotic. The AP says,
"Obama May Face a Grilling on Patriotism," but the only people quoted who think that he isn't a patriot are "republican consultant Roger Stone" (who has, among other things, founded an anti-Hillary nonprofit with the acronym C.U.N.T.), a guy who worked for the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth during the 2004 election, and the host of "Fox and Friends." CNN takes this and runs with it,
asking in an online poll if Barack Obama has enough patriotism to be president.
You can bet that Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity will be all over this soon enough, if not already. It's sad, but the real troubling part is that my father listens to Limbaugh and Hannity. I don't want to have to re-affirm that I love America, but that's the sad state of the political climate in this country.
Maybe by leaving D.C., I can just forget about this stuff and just get the headlines online like everyone else. That would be nice.