Another poll question!

Apr 14, 2011 09:29

In the interest of trying not to bug my sister and let her get some work done (she's almost finished-- woo hoo! :D), I have babbled at you all again. Finally got back to doing poll questions, hee.

Hey, Little Miss Only-Plays-Side-Characters, is the main character even interesting at all?

Why, I'm glad you asked. :D

Abigail Jennings is the girl who becomes the Astral Knight of Mars, and she is a perfect main character, in my opinion. She has a distinct personality, but it's not outlandish enough so that the reader can no longer relate. She's fiery (pun intended) and strong-willed, but she's young and has plenty of insecurities too.

One thing I have to say first is that I love that her element is Fire. I feel like a lot of stories with elemental powers tend to cast the Fire-type as a male, while girls usually end up with Water or some sort of Forest power. So it makes me happy that Abigail gets a power that's a bit more destructive and even sometimes demonized a bit.

But the best thing about Abigail is her role in the story. She represents (canonically and intentionally) a complete gender-reversal of the Knight in Shining Armor/Damsel in Distress trope. She falls hopelessly in love with a boy named Christopher, who is set to become the next Moon Priest. He gets captured, and she has to save him at the end (with the help of the other Knights, of course).

Now, I realize that it's not as though this concept has never been done before. But I hope I'm not the only who would like to see it done more often. What makes it especially interesting to me in this book (soon to be series, we hope) is that it's explored in a very traditional, Arthurian sense. At the risk of being possibly spoiler-y (though I guess I'm not sure), it's not presented as a perfect, healthy relationship, but rather one that has the potential to destroy them both. It's very unequal-he's faraway and unattainable, and the one in need of rescuing. They're not really able to help and support each other with the proper amount of give-and-take.

Anyway, I find Abigail really charming, and I hope everyone else does too. She's a girl who gets a bad rap for being "hot-tempered," when really most of the time she's quite justified in her anger. She hates corsets and gowns, and frankly would rather wear trousers and waistcoats. She grew up loving fairy tales, and she always dreamed of being the Knight who saves the day-and, at the end, she gets to.

If you're curious, the reason I haven't played Abigail in RP is that I don't have much a voice for her-she's really more my sister's character. Also, I tend not to have as much fun RPing main characters of stories, in general. Their story is already being told, and to me it's much more fun to play with characters whose lives aren't being explored in so much detail.

answers, astralis

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