Dec 01, 2005 07:22
so i was eating some leaves. turns out it was weed, and i was eating it, i was smoking it. that makes me happy in pants busta. but that got boring so i snorted some fuckin cocaine. it didnt do nothin. so i just decided hey, im naked, ill just shoot up some heroin. so i did, then my dog walked in, so i gave him some beaver tranquilizer, man we were both fuckin trippin man. me more so becasue my heroin was followed by some acid. it was tight casue then i flew up to the moon and back. and by moon, i mean girl butt. and by flew there, i mean had sex with. fa shizzle bizzle dizzle kyizzle. haha f ya motha f'er. i be trippin like no motha truck nuck nip tuck lost in the jungle for a three dllar bill? WHAT?!?!