Two Kinds of M/M Fiction

Dec 08, 2009 03:14

Author William Maltese blogged about his take on gay fiction written for women and gay fiction written for men. He also touches upon the differences in the perspectives of female and male writers and the use of male pseudonyms by female writers.

I have been noticing something, over the last few years, which causes me, at this time, to make comment upon an aberration of gay fiction which has occurred since I first began writing it. Namely, many new writers and readers of the genre - namely of the female persuasion - seem to have entered the market place with the preconceived notion, incorrect, that real m/m love and romance and real m/f love and romance proceed basically along the same lines, and that any m/m book that portrays otherwise is somehow lacking, off the mark, and has an author who has somehow gotten “it” all wrong - when, actually, quite the opposite is probably closer to the truth.


The truth of the matter is that the female libido is wired differently than that of the male; what turns a woman on, by way of love and romance, isn’t necessarily the equivalent of what does it for a man. We would all, writers and readers and reviewers, alike, be far more content, happy, and understanding if we recognized that fact from the get-go and didn’t try to pretend, wish, or actually believe that it’s otherwise.

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