4 weeks until nothing is the same ever again.

Jun 07, 2005 23:30

4 weeks and 30 minutes. I leave. I'll probably never see most of you ever again.

so i wanted to take this time to write an entry to write whats on my mind about shit thats been going on and how i feel.

Sam - well I tried to make some kind of amends but just like always, you're a heartless bitch. You're probably the worst friend I've ever had, and honestly you just dont want to be friends, so we're not. Things could have been reconciled, but no, you didnt want them fixed, you wanted to fight, and you ended it. good for you. I hope you're really happy with you're nasty feet, off center nose and knowing the fact that you ruined my last 4 weeks of being here with you're insincerity and you're lack of compassion. Please take some time out of your life to reflect on all the lives you've ruined with you're selfishness and bitchiness. And just so EVERYONE else knows, Sam was my date to prom, we danced about 3 times, and it was begrudgingly at best. I was just her ride and bought her ticket. Ben frelin was right, i should have ditched her and brought someone else. she ruined my prom, and she ruined the last 4 weeks of my stay here.

Rick - honestly, you're pretty retarded some times, but you're one of my only true friends. id probably trust you with my life more than anyone else I know. you do some stupid shit, but thats you. I'm glad we're still friends. Us vs the hobbitron fo lyfe.

spud - cut the shit, you're a smart kid. dont be a douche bag. i wouldnt trust you with my pepsi, or my life. but you're spud, my sidekick.

Evan Manley - this is the guy. We've drifted a bit lately, but its understandable, you have krista, im glad you're happy man. i hope to visit you sometime enxt year man.

Steph and Katie - uhh Bffl? what else is there to say, my sisters.

Ben Frelin - this guy. no one gives him the respect he deserves. hes a little selfish and a little greedy, but hes always there when you need him, Another of my few true friends.

ritchie - weird weird kid, wash your hair more, dont abscond to canada while im gone, i hope to see you around

steve - why dont you get any credit? or women. i'll tell you why. ritchie is holding you back! when you're with ritchie u get really weird. but its cool, i like both steves. steve you're a great and underappreciated man.

Ashley Bordy - so many things unresolved. i miss you. i'll always love you dollface. and im not gunna lie... i hate your boyfriend. :) dont change.

Ashley Reven - we dated, we had fun, i hated you haha. i dunno. things between us will always be weird. but you were my first real relationship, and im not gunna lie. i always missed you.

Jason Martins - talk about a fall from grace. between kaitlin and stacy killing your soul, you never had a chance. I'm glad you're begining to get back to normal, but u know. Life goes on man, i hope we have a chance to play together when i dont suck so much anymore.

Catherine - for some reason we recently had a fight. it absolutely sucked. I have a constant crush on you. for your information. I go through phases with you, some times like when we hang out alot i like you. then we fade to casual friends and it recycles over and over. thus my "constant crush" haha though its not really constant. the only constant is that you're always there when i need you(except for like the past 2-3 months) <3 catherine.

Alyssa - Cheer up. You're fucking amazing. <3 shit will work out in the end. and if it doesnt, you'll survive, glad you're there for me hun <3

Caroline - you're always there for me. when i have kids, you'll be aunt caroline. you can even be one of their god mothers. we'll always be like that saved by the bell song "friends forever".

i know not everyone is included here, this is just like on my mind currently, various issues i have and shit with myself.

also a list of people ive gotten into fights with/lost touch with/miss alot
- Natalie Poulin, you probably dont remember me, but we used to talk when i was in 9th grade, we got into a fight over useless bullshit and never talked again, it wasnt much, we werent close, its just always bothered me, im sorry.
- Jamie Peterson, Meh i have my reasons for not liking you. i think you're pretty retarded sometimes too. but i miss you, you were a sweetheart. too bad you're fake.
- Katie Cunningham, god i loved that girl. come back.
- Priscilla Zumwalt, you were kinda bitchy, but i fucking miss the shit out of you.
- Kara MaCarty, we've drifted,talk to me <3333
- allison lambert, we've drifted, unacceptable
(this is a list of women, because they're insane, and i fight with them)
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