Procrastination - My LJ

Jul 11, 2004 18:39

I don't quite understand why they call it LIVE journal. It's a place where you can journal but it's not really live, is it? It's not like people are actually watching you update or even live what you write? Ya know? Hmm...just doesn't seem quite LIVE to me. Then again, Xanga makes no sense period. So perhaps these online sites, created for procrastination and cheaper than a shrink, are nothing more than a huge conspiracy on the part of a communications monopoly. Indeed...sent to investigate the lives of the users and plot against their every move. Mwahahaha!!

So, my mother is officially insane. Like, officially. Apparently she had a dream about ninja, oh yes, ninja, ducks and pheasants. So, what is it that I hear that alerts me she is awake? (In a squeeky, mocking bad kung-fu movie voice) "Hiiiiiiii-ja!!" Wtf? She has been walking around the house all day immitating bad kung-fu and throwing in the ocassional hi-ja chop. Quite the sight.

Ooo. I just became very excited. Vacation Bible School starts tomorrow. Which means...drop mother off at 8, run to starbucks, get to church by 8:45, teach until noon, meet with the staff until 1ish, take mother lunch, come home and do math. This excites me. And the theme this year is "Happy Birthday John Wesley." Why is this important? Well, not only is John Wesley the founder of the United Methodist Church, but we went to his little museum and place of sermon in England, Gwenyp pit. Might have to post a picture or two. But yes. I am very much looking forward to tomorrow.

Another happy thing...I have ensured a trip to Spirit West Coast. For those who don't know it is the big Christian Music fesitval of the summer. Tons of artists, three days, meet and greets, yes...tons of fun. Among those appearing are Steven Curtis Chapman (see av), Relient K, Newsboys, Audio A, By The Tree (which I just found out! Wooo) Todd Agnew, Warren Barfield, Toby Mac, Matthew West, Plus One, John Rueben, KJ-52, FM Static, Bebo Norman, Casting Crown, Jars of Clay, and many many more. Yes, a bit excited. Eeee. Hah.

Wow...okay so I'm used to being tired..but I haven't felt this in a long time...hope it goes away tomorrow. Need to be "there" for VBS...yes...

Hmm...I wanna go swimming...I think I shall...
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