Nov 18, 2005 09:58
1. You get one wish of anything, what would you ask for?
To be happy... FOREVER (i forgot to add)
2. What animal would you be?
Probably some type of sea animal.
3. Something you want to do in your life:
NOTHING. get it? (if you don't, i want to be soooo rich that i dont have to do anything at all)
4. One time there were these Ninjas...(finish the statement.)
that killed my family so now I need money for karate lessons. (saw a homeless guy or something holding that sign at 3rd street in Santa Monica--i thought it was pretty funny)
5. One song you could listen to over and over again.
There is no one song that i could listen to over and over again.
6. Coke or Pepsi?
I've learned to appreciate Coke.
7. Something you currently desire:
To be home with ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL my friends.
8. What's a "mastoid"? (Take a guess no peeking in a Dictionary)
It's a gland, or something to do with your body.
9. One good deed you've done lately:
I don't do good deeds here.
10. Next 4 to be Singled Out are:
You, him, her, and IT!