Oct 31, 2005 12:32
Hey everyone! Not much going on here, just getting through the semester. My sister and mom and my nephew visited yesterday, and it was cool! I got to show him to some people on my floor, but alot of my friends were at home, or were MIA yesterday. At any rate, it was nice to visit with my sister and mom. I miss them alot when I am here.
Nikki B... you gotta love her! Her computer was so messed up that it barely ran. It kept freezing up and such. She found the recovery CD's, so I had to do a system recovery on her computer yesterday, and that took from like 9pm-1am. It is back up and running though, and everything seems to be working just fine so far! I am going to go over there sometime today and make sure everything is still OK. Then John asked me to look at a laptop and see if I can work my magic to fix it, so I will do that sometime this week.
I bought livetext today, it was 80 bucks. Supposedly this program helps you in college, and it makes all of your work pretty for a final portfolio that is looked at upon exiting the teacher Ed. program. So far I have heard nothing but scary things, but lets hope for the best.
Well, I must get to class, but I will update again soon.
Love you guys,