Another Big Ass Catch Up Post…

Jan 07, 2008 16:41

Eek. It’s been forever again since I’ve done a catch up post. Seems like from Halloween on the holiday season takes over everything. *LOL* And right now I’m going head to head with a nasty strain of the flu…so whatever doesn’t make sense I’ll totally blame on the meds.
 Lots of changes and updates so I’ll spare the uninterested and put the rest under a cut…

Personal Stuff

Holidays were great. The kidlets and I made lots of goodies and my middle one picked out the theme for the tree this year. We decorated with pinecones, red and silver sleigh bells, and this really cool ribbon that has musical notes on it. I took pictures so I’ll try to find time to upload and share with everyone.

I also have some snow pics I took for
brokenmnemonic  since he loves the white stuff. As soon as my stupid flu kicks the bucket I’ll get those loaded and ready to go also.

Let’s see what else?

OH! BIG NEWS!! Well for me at least. Around November, I signed on as Editor in Chief for Aphrodite’s Apples…an e-publisher. As many of you may know,
angylinni  is one of the co-founders. I’m finally getting the hang of everything and thought it was time to make an announcement. I’ll be adding a link to my LJ and I’m hoping to get some of my flisters interested in either submitting original fiction or screening it for editing.

I’m so excited to be part of this endeavor as my love of both reading and writing is put to great use. So far, I’m enjoying everything and soaking up as much info as my head will process. It’s so much fun to work at something you actually love.

When you get a chance…stop in and take a bite…

Feeding My TV Addiction

Oh…what can I say? The Spooks and Robin Hood finales? GAH!! How could they leave them there? At least Primeval and Torchwood are starting in the next week or so and I’ll have major distractions to keep me occupied.

Stargate Atlantis returned with an awesome episode. I know a lot of people will disagree but this season is one that I’ve totally enjoyed. And the ending to this week’s ep? Frakking cool as hell. I’m dying to find out how it’s going to tie into the rest of the episodes for the season.

I caught the second season of Whistler and kinda loved it, although I still have the last episode to watch and I completely missed the first season. And I gotta say whoever does the music for the show picks some great tunes.

What else? Finally working my way through the rest of Rome S2 and I think I love it even more than the first season. And I’m finally getting to last four movies in the Sharpe’s series. I finished up Waterloo and have the very last one to watch. What is it with Alexis Denisof and his characters ending up dead? *LOL* I’m hooking my dad up with Sharpe…I know he’ll love them. I got my older (younger) brother hooked on Rome and my youngest (tallest) brother hooked on Robin Hood for Xmas. Both are picking up Torchwood on my rec. This whole TV addiction is a total family affair. *giggles*

From my Netflix queue…I’ve been watching the British version of Touching Evil…loving it. I’m in the middle of Wire in the Blood (Series 3, I think) right now and highly recommend if you’re looking for something when new US television shows dry up.

From The Bookshelves

I love the meme/tally of books and movies everyone’s doing. Aside from what I’ve been reading for Aphrodite’s I thought I’d share what I’ve been delving into lately. The wonderful Pi…my co-dependent in books, television and fandom…sent me a whole slew of Suzanne Brockmann to read. One of the first ones she wrote and the Troubleshooters series. I’m currently reading Out of Control at the moment and should finish it sometime tomorrow. I also received a boatload of books for Xmas that I’ll keep everyone posted on as I get to them. I’ve got an older series by Zelazny that’s been screaming my name lately and I’m going to have to read it again so it’ll go back to sitting quietly on the shelf for a while. *LOL*

Odds and Ends

Other than everything I’ve already blabbed about I’ve been working on some original fiction of my own. I don’t head back to the golf course until about mid-March and I’ve had some downtime from caring for my mom so I thought I’d take advantage of the extra time. *snorts* Wouldn’t you know that’s when The Great Sickitude of Sickitudeness would descend on my household? *LOL* At least I’m usually the last one to get whatever ick thing is going around and I’ve got it in spades at the moment…so all should be back to normal if this plays out the way it usually does.

I’m still hoping to do some extra meta from Razor and a couple of in-depth reviews for a couple of other episodes. I have the epilogue/prologue for Close Quarters about halfway completed and the first few chapters of Breaking Point at least semi-outlined. Next up for Snippets is Scar and I’m hoping to get started on it soon. I owe a birthday fic to 
smact46  that I finally got outlined…I think it’s only about six months late. (Sorry, Smact!)

And Finally…

Since I didn’t get to make any holiday posts, I hope everyone on my flist had a wonderful season and wish you all the absolute best in 2008. I’ve got awesome flisters and you all make my sometimes insane and chaotic life so much better. *HUGS FLIST*



fun stuff, aa, rl

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