Okay, Flisters, I have a question for you all. When you're picking up a book to read, what are you looking for?
angylinni and I are brainstorming ideas for Ellipses and we think contemporary romance/fiction is someplace we should be exploring. Thoughts on this, anyone? Several of our lines are geared towards niche markets, so we’d really like to target
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Hmmm seeing as how I read a LOT of m/m no LOL. I write what I read, what I know? There are some things I'll read but would probably never write b/c it scares the hell out of me to even contemplate it - like a really complicated Sci-Fi storyline? I would probably read it, but the idea of writing something that complicated scares me. Same with mysteries, I read a LOT of mysteries both mainstream (JD Robb) and ebook (PsyCop) and others, but the idea of writing a mystery? Scares the beejesus out of me b/c I'm afraid I would write something so utterly predictable that it would get slammed by critics and I'd have to go hide in a hole someplace LOL.
I did start a m/f zombie actiony type thing...but I missed the deadline for where I was going to submit it b/c of real life stuff so it's kind of stalled on my hard drive :(
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