Transcribed by: Sky
Written by: Ronald D. Moore
Directed by: Ronald D. Moore
Wow…I don't have the shivers from watching this episode and it feels more like a regular episode…especially given that it sets up stuff for later. The pacing is back…and I like that. And lots of stuff is happening, but it's not all stuff you have to dive down into the subtext to get.
I kind of needed an episode like this after last week's. Whew.
And since I'm getting this in just under the gun again…any and all typos/mistakes are mine and will be fixed…eventually.
So…let's get right to it.
Standard warnings apply…you all know the drill. Random opinion and full on snarkage are a given. Bad language is highly probable…can't seem to help it. Your best bet is to keep all forms of liquid away from the monitor, keyboard and electrical current. And always, always, always keep your hands and feet inside at all times. It's apparently not fun to be handicapped in the fleet.
And we're past the calm before the storm…
Okay…Gaeta has issues…LOTS of them. And given that I didn't recap the webisodes…well…it might be a good idea to do so because they set up an important part of this episode. That said…I find it fairly logical Gaeta ends up making the choices he makes. Sometimes he makes good decisions…like not pushing about the off-log calls in Resistance when Lee and Roslin staged their escape. And sometimes the option he goes with is poor…such as getting Baltar elected by blowing the whistle on the fix.
The point I'm trying to make is that no one is infallible and Felix proves this in spades. Which I believe will open up all kinds of murky areas to dive into…but not just yet. Right now, things are cut and dried for him…he's making a stand against something he sees as wrong so more power to him. On the flipside of that…who wants to bet he's not actually prepared for or cognizant of what that truly means?
Yeah…Felix better suit up…cause it's not gonna be pretty.
So…let's get started with the Previouslies: (voiced by...you guessed it…Alessandro Juliani)
Tyrol and Cally with tiny baby Nicky on New Caprica…looks like she'll get some sleep afterall.
Cally freaking out over finding out Tyrol's a Cylon…Tory confronting…then airlocking Cally.
Adama wondering WTF with Tigh and Caprica Six. Tigh's not torturing her if that's what he's worried about. No shit Sherlock…you just knocked her up.
Images of the ships making their way to earth…then the ravaged planet. Voice over of Adama asking Roslin if she's just going to lie down and quit. Book burning because all the people who listened to and trusted her are dead.
Adama Speech: We will find a new home. This is a promise Adama intends to keep…even if Roslin is curled up on the floor ignoring life at the moment.
Adama wants to see if the new Cylon allies wanna come along for the ride. Woo.
Wow…anyone else think Adama just passed out where he was and forgot to set his alarm? Yeah…sad.
Hrm…interesting. Shaking out clothes…popping pills. Watching Adama's morning (I think) routine is almost scary.
Damn…that water got hot fast. *LOL*
Methinks when Adama is turning to motivational reading to start the day…it's going to be a long one.
Does anyone else like the contrast between this scene and the one from A Day in the Life? Adama is moving much slower and I firmly believe it's not just from the booze and pills.
It's from life or lack thereof.
The voice over part…I’m assuming from the book Adama picked up…makes me think he's been pondering this lately and that it may not be a bad thing:
There is a languor of the life more imminent than pain. It's pain's successor, when the soul has suffered all it can.
The fact that he's stopping to pick crap up in the corridors is a good sign to me. As noted last week…he blithely walked right by everything without a backward glance.
Do I think it means he's back? Well…no. But IMO, being cognizant is better than blind to circumstances.
Just saying.
*The Cylon nation will survive*
Frak me…they're doing an ultrasound on CapricaSix. And honestly? I'm dying. Listen to this:
Tigh: I don't see anything.
CapricaSix: Wait…I see something.
Tigh: Where?
CapricaSix: Right there. Wait. No? I thought I saw it.
Tigh: Saw what?
Cottle: Everyone shut the frak up for a second. [takes a still shot] Got it. There.
Ishay: Yep. There it is.
CapricaSix: I see it. I see it! Oh my God, there it is. It's so beautiful.
Tigh: I still don't see anything.
Cottle: Try looking with your eyes…eye.
Seriously!!! Dying. But wait…it gets even better.
So…Ishay points out the body parts and whoa…Tigh will be damned. *snorfles* But the insane, bizarro part? When CapricaSix is all about it being their baby…THEY'RE HOLDING HANDS!! I shit you not. Now I'm waiting for someone's head to like spin around and pop off…you know…it's that freakishly weird to me.
But…there's also something quite endearing about a scruffy-faced Tigh being momentarily blown away by what he's seeing on the screen…to the point he needs a drink. Cottle offering him a smoke instead is seven kinds of awesome.
Er…until Ishay points out the fact they're smoking around a pregnant woman. *LOL* And *hee hee* Cottle's response that she'll live is hi-larious. Go Tigh for blowing the smoke in the opposite direction though. Too damn funny…
CapricaSix waxing on about how the teensy toaster is the future of the Cylon race is a wee bit scary though. Ishay's reaction? Awesome. Tigh's…even more awesome…cause he's right. The kid doesn’t even have a name yet and she is loading up on the expectations. Who wants to bet that won't bode well for her?
And honestly? I'm still kinda dying at Tigh being all attentive and shit. My brain just fried on that one.
No Cylon/Cylon pairing has ever produced a child…ever. Believe it…it's been tried. Um yeah…I so didn't need the imagery of the non-Final Fivers attempting the create life, thankyouverymuch. Creeps me the hell out.
Ohhh…CapricaSix, honey…you might wanna dial it back just a tad. Methinks Ishay is kinda squicked out listening to you gush on about how the Cylon nation will survive. Kudos to Kerry for saying so much without uttering a word.
Wow…Cottle wants a bio-physical profile on the 'savior'. I heart him. LOTS.
Ohhh…Felix is looking unhappy. And he's snarky, too…when Ishay tells him Cottle is backed up:
Felix: No problem. At least the Cylons are having fun right. I mean, um, earth's a cinder. Dee's dead. Suicides are up. Fleet's a mess. President's missing in action. But hey…gotta make sure they Cylons are taken care of.
Frak…Felix has issues…and him being who he is…has them all listed out nice and neat. Think maybe he's been thinking about this stuff for a while? Exactly.
And methinks I'll continue with last week's new thing and call this Anvil Drop Moment #1…er, better make that #2 since AJ did the voice over.
Wow…the drama doesn't stop there…Felix has gone through two things of the cream Ishay tries to pawn off on him and it doesn't work…so frak that.
And apparently Cottle is deaf because Gaeta has told him the end cap needs to be refitted, too high, blah, blah, blah… Felix, dude, Ishay feels your pain…she's gonna get you in ASAP.
Um…unless she can't…cause Tryol (love that she calls him Chief…wouldn't stress do that to you?) runs in with Nicky…who is EEEK! Peeing blood. Yikes!
Ahh…I love Cottle…snarky, barky and blunt. He wants that fetal monitor now, dammit.
Ohhh…the freaky close up on Gaeta when she apologizes then leaves…Anvil Drop Moment #3.
Oh…this next scene is made of win. Adama, Lee and Zarek all facing off over the future of the fleet? How can it not be awesome?
And nice touch to have at least part of the Bickerson reporters back to ask their pesky questions.
Like this from Playa: Dude, Colonel Tigh is still XO? Aren't you worried about having his Cylon Bad Ass self as second in command?
*snorts* As if. They should know Adama isn't going to discuss military protocol or chain of command.
And that gets followed by a question from Sekou about whether Adama is really considering forming a permanent alliance with the Rebel Cylons (who knew that name would stick?) currently in the fleet. (Um…are there more out there we don't about?) And of course Adama isn't going to talk about hypotheticals. It's part of what I love about him…he has standard answers and pretty much never sways from using them.
And here's where things get really interesting, because Sekou asks if Zarek would support that…and Zarek takes his time, before giving his non-answer of 'no comment', enough that maybe we can assume he was supposed to answer differently. At least from the look on Lee's face anyway.
And of course that gets a reaction…and a question about Roslin…and things are disintegrating quickly. And the best thing that happens here? Lee steps in…and it's awesome because Zarek wants to do it and the hand off from Adama to Lee is just smooooooth…and probably not intentional, but it's cool nonetheless. : )
And Lee does a great job…Roslin is resting comfortably on the Galactica…let's wrap this up with one last question. Wouldn't you know it would be a doozy? Sekou wonders if they have any information on the identity of the final Cylon.
Yeah…it goes rapidly downhill…in a good way.
Lee: Uh, we believe the fifth Cylon to be dead.
Sekou: But you're not sure?
Lee: Uh, no. But we believe she died sometime ag-
MmHmm…the crowd goes wild. Frakity Frak Frak Frak. At least Lee recovers enough to pleasantly thank the press for coming before beating a hasty retreat to chastise himself for letting that one slip. Which begs the question…what's the big ass hairy deal? My guess would be fear of how everyone would react to knowing that not only is the XO of Galactica a Cylon…but his wife was too. It seems a little flimsy, but think about the big ass can of worms that would open? *nods* Right. Not to mention the little teensy toaster belongs to Tigh, also…as far as we know.
Anyhoo…Zarek wants to know what that was all about, and Adama tells him to forget about it? Which means what exactly? Zarek isn't aware of who the final Cylon is either? We won't know because he launches into a spiel about how any kind of permanent alliance between the government and the Cylons…ANY Cylons is out of the question. Good to know he speaks for everyone, yeah?
And Lee…gotta love what he says. It's not Zarek's call. Heh…and Zarek nails him with this:
Zarek: Is it yours? Are you the president? Again? Sorry, I get confused on what your job is on any given day.
Thwap!! But damn…what a good point. Lee made the alliance in the first place. And I love Lee's reaction…I mean IMO, he stepped up and did what needed to be done, but he honestly can't argue with Zarek. Joining up with the Cylons, from a civilian viewpoint, had more to do with saving the crew of Galactica than being beneficial for the fleet. Except it WAS a boon to the fleet because D'Anna was targeting their ships with nukes, yeah? Does anyone think Zarek will completely overlook that fact in his quest to wrest control?
Anyway Adama takes the lead and informs Tom that Roslin is still the president…she'll make the final call. And again…Zarek hits back with pointing out that Roslin isn't there…she's resting comfortably aboard Galactica and not bothering to show up for work. Funny how she dropped out of sight since her prophecies of earth turned out to be crap. And again…this is an unarguable point…that Tom will attempt to use to his advantage.
Right. Adama's done talking. But Zarek has one last salvo. If they try to shove an alliance with the Cylons down their throats…there will be consequences. That's a promise Zarek won't hesitate to keep. And that makes Adama happy…now he'll know exactly where to place the blame if there happens to be an unfortunate incident. Yep…Anvil Drop Moment #4…get ready for it.
Of course Zarek doesn't blink when he delivers his parting shot to Adama's back. He's not hard to find…he's right there on Colonial One…running the government. *snorts* Adama gets the last word on that…for now.
And you know what? This is one of those murky gray areas that I love so much. Zarek isn't wrong in anything he's stating. Roslin is MIA, unwilling/unable to face the epic fail of earth. There's really nothing noble in Zarek's motivations…on the surface. The thing with Zarek though…is that nothing is ever just on the surface with him. And that tends to be his downfall.
The fleet probably isn't keen on continuing an alliance with the Cylons…but Zarek can't just go with that…he always has to push it a little further…takes things just beyond the brink of acceptable. And…he's also in the prime position to play puppet master, which he would do (IMO) to the detriment of everyone, just to stick it to Adama. His ego, and in my opinion, his desire to be remembered as a force to be reckoned with, tends to outweigh his common sense when it comes to doing the right thing.
Obviously…there'll be more on this later. *rubs hands gleefully*
Yeah…notice the White Board of Death? See the number? Last week, Lee erased the last digit of 39,651 and the board currently reads 39,644. By my estimation and Gaeta's throw away line about suicides being up that means six other people besides Dee offed themselves. Kinda sad, yeah?
And the credits roll:
HA! White Board of Death matches the new number in the credits. Yes…I'm gleeful over that. Sue me. *LOL*
Anyway new credits:
39,644 survivors
In search of a home
And the words fade to 'home' now instead of 'earth'.
*You need a chart to keep it all straight*
Hrm…Adama is popping pills again. Interesting.
So…everything Tyrol is saying is mucho important…but I'm almost too caught up in his identity crisis to wrap my head around the whole jump drive dealio not to mention catch all the demands of 'his', 'their', 'your' people.
This whole exchange kinda had me grinning like a loon:
Tyrol: I barely understand this stuff and I…we are gonna need teams of Sharons and Sixes and possibly Leobens just to do the installations.
Um yeah…Gaeta's not on board with that at all.
And Lee's right…they will go nuts. They, meaning the Quorum. Lee's earlier point that they need them on board is almost lost among the funny of Tigh's 'Frak the Quorum' sentiment. But um, hello? Tigh's a Cylon…that does not help the sitch. And the question Lee poses about making the upgrades at gunpoint shows some damn remarkable foresight. Lee knows how the civilians will react. Being prodded along by people like Zarek doesn't help.
Helo: We gotta sell them on it. Point out the benefits. Athena tells me the upgrades should triple the fleets jump capacity.
Okay…random thought…they should've put Athena on this ages ago. She could've had the fleet all ready for these upgrades by now.
Tyrol: Absolutely. And that's conservative. Their technology…our technology…is just way ahead of ours…yours.
Tigh: Maybe you'd like a chart to keep it all straight.
Seriously…that's gonna win line of the night. *LOL* And I shouldn't be poking fun, but it's too good not to.
Gotta say I was quite stunned that Adama asked Lee what he thought, instead of just making an arbitrary decision. I want to think it's kind of a key moment, too, but I'll wait and see what happens before believing it. For now, I'll just enjoy the fact that Adama is looking to Lee for some answers.
And speaking of answers…I like that Lee's are practical…upgrading will help find a habitable planet before food and fuel run out…instead of all trusting and BFF like. If he jumped on the Team Cylon bandwagon whole hog I'd be searching around for the pod to see if the real Lee was lying dead beside it.
The alliance with the Cylons may have started with him…but he a) did it to save lives and b) had to be convinced by Kara that it was probably the only way to go. So…I bought that. And I could get on board with Lee slowly altering his opinion on the Cylons, but it's too soon for him to be completely trusting, IMO. And besides…anything else smacks of changing his stance on a dime…and we've already got one annoying character that does that. Just saying.
*It's non-negotiable*
Ahh…Gaeta…What's the catch. And ohh…burn! Former Chief. Damn if he isn't right though.
The catch? Wow…they don't want much. You know…just to be part of the fleet, full citizens, seat at the Quorum…that kind of thing. Frak me.
Tigh might be onto something with the whole insanity idea. Geez. And *shallow fangirl alert* Lee standing up in utter shock is just hot. *end shallow fangirl alert*
Whoa…Tyrol…I'm not sure I'd be spouting words like 'non-negotiable' right now. I understand you want safety if Big Bad Cavil comes knocking…but dude…seriously? And banking everything on Adama not wanting to break an oath, unlike certain other people, is admirable…but I'm with Lee…did you use fairy dust to pull that off? Then again…Final Fiver equals The Awesome…so never mind.
Heh…Gaeta should probably dial it back a bit…especially when Tigh the Cylon has to remind him to say 'sir' when addressing the Admiral…
And why does it sound like a cop-out when Adama says it's a political decision? It kinda shouldn't…but it does. Kudos to him for not giving his word out of hand.
Just a random observation…I kind of enjoy it when Adama falls back on formalness when he's hit with opposition. He does it with the press all the time and uses it to great effect with the crew, too.
Ack. Nicky has acute renal failure? That blows. He's too cute to be so sick.
Honestly…the next part is quite wonderful. Um…as wonderful as it can be anyway. Tyrol wonders what the next step is...what he's supposed to do? You know, like give blood, build up a supply, what?
And Ishay definitely has a reaction to that, but only says they have plenty of Nicky's type in the blood bank. And you just know there's something more because Kerry's face all but screams it…even though Cottle blithely ignores it. And Tyrol is dumbfounded because hello? Nicky's half Cylon. Do they have a lot of his blood type lying around?
Er no…Cottle didn't think of that. Riiiiighhhtt. The whole tap a vein and start a supply thing blows up in his face when Ishay goes indignant about it. This is ridiculous…Cottle has to tell him. Nicky could die…his FATHER deserves to know.
Sorry, Doc. Cat's outta the bag and you've got some 'splainin' to do.
Honestly? I was totally spoiled for this, too…and I love this little twist of Tyrol not being the dad. Ron has always said that Nicky is NOT like Hera so this, as an explanation, just works for me. And I can wank the timeline enough so Cally doesn't have to be a skeevy slut for Tyrol to not be the father.
Here is what Cottle says:
Cottle: She found out she was pregnant just before you got married. She wasn't sure you were the father…
To me, there's lots of wiggle room there.
And I loved Aaron's performance. He played this so well. When he asked Cottle who the father was…wow. Just saying.
And Cottle response? Awesome.
Cottle: He doesn't know either. And I'll be damned if he's gonna find out that he's a father from a pissed off former deck chief with a Cylon chip on his shoulder. No…I'll have to tell him.
Oh yeah…you can tell he's sooooo looking forward to that. *eye roll* Can't wait to see what 'working it out on their own' will entail. Probably a visit to sickbay. *LOL*
And GUH! Nicky is so frakkin' cute with Ishay…the penlight thing? Awwwwww. *hearts Nicky*
My heart broke a little when Tyrol told Cottle to take care of him though. *meep* But the shades of gray this opens up make me all kinds of happy. : )
Ah…I like this next part too. And the funny thing is…it's really not very long. Lee and Adama are just finishing up their convo and Lee asks if Adama knows Roslin isn't returning his calls. And I think Lee is sympathetic to the fact that yeah, Laura is going through a rough patch and he sure as shit knows they all are…so when he more or less backs down with Adama and accepts that it'll just take some time…I love it.
Even though it's going to totally bite him in the ass.
There's just something very quiet between these two, almost like they're tiptoeing around the idea that Roslin might just take more time than they've got but neither of them are willing to rock the boat. I can see that in Lee's calm demeanor...there was a time he would have pushed a lot harder to make his point. He doesn't have to here…Adama gets it…and it's kind of awesome.
Same goes with Bill. He knows Lee is right…especially with Zarek in the mix…and yet he doesn't go all snarky and growly. Just lets Lee know he'll try to get Roslin motivated as soon as possible.
Just a lovely scene.
*Lee thinks…and I agree…*
Hmm…interesting that while Adama is popping pills, Roslin is tossing them in the bin. *nods* I could get very thinky about that.
Truly gorgeous framing of Roslin here. And it's kind of an eerie moment when she's drinking the water, like maybe it gives her something she's been missing (like the capacity to make a decision) and pretty much blisses out on not taking her meds and ignoring the phone.
Wow…I was kinda freaked there for a minute…but Roslin is just stretching. Whew.
Color me stupefied…Adama has said twice now 'Lee thinks…' or something close to that. I'm sorry…need a moment to let that sink in. And Adama agrees with him. *falls over* Er…I actually do, too…Roslin needs to address the fleet regarding an alliance with the Cylons. Too bad I don't think it's going to happen. I mean she all but tosses her cookies when Bill suggests it. And did you see the shifty eye thing she did when she answered?
Methinks Roslin's idea of a little more time might just be never.
MmHmm…maybe Adama knows it too, since he gives her a pep talk:
Adama: We need you, Laura. I know you're tired, but we need you.
And wow…does Roslin hand him the biggest line of bullshit, like ever? 'I hear you…I do…trust me…' Then she shoos him out the door so he doesn't catch on and start asking questions or making her commit to a specific time. *shakes head* If I didn't love them so much I'd be headthwapping both, because you know who's going to be left holding the bag, right? *nods* MmmHmm.
Hee…I did have a giggle when Bill tells her not to overdo and she kind of promptly does. : )
Heh…looks like the marines are cleaning house. This is hopefully a good thing. It was damn sad to see brawling in the corridors last week. And YAY…Bill's picking up paper again. Woo!
Ugh…this next part is killer…but it's also awesome. Katee and Alessandro kick some serious ass. Of course, I'm loving the call back to the Collaborators and how Kara approached Felix there to start shit…and the reversal that plays out here.
Their first encounter was unpleasant…this one is almost brutally ugly, which is what makes it so compelling to watch. In Collaborators Gaeta was the outcast, coming back from seemingly working with the Cylons during the Occupation. And now, obviously, Kara is the misfit…who did work willingly with Cylons to find earth.
Seriously…the ripples and layers are pinging all over the place. And if Felix proves one thing here…it's that he can be just as vicious as Kara ever was. But that just means that Starbuck has to bring her 'A' game and leave him in the dust…which, in all honesty? Is exactly what Felix wants. He's got plans to make and people to talk to…and someone aligned with the Cylons, hell, who they think might BE a Cylon ain't welcome.
Awesomely good stuff.
Here's the set up:
Kara is sitting alone at the table, picking at her food, hand on her forehead, not looking for company. Let's remember…she found and burned her body on the planet…so yeah…probably not having parties in the bunkroom.
Here's the dialog:
Gaeta: [plops down at Kara's table] Captain Thrace?
Kara: Whatever it is, I'm not in the mood, Felix.
Gaeta: Oh…so you think I should give a frak about your mood?
Yeah, see…the gloves are off and it's my thought that Felix is going for the jugular to get Kara out of the room as fast as he can…not to mention he wants to offer up some payback for her lashing out at him
Kara: [rubs her forehead, shoves her food away, gives CrankyFelix her attention] Okay…whatever it is, let's have it.
Gaeta: You tried to throw me out an airlock once.
Kara: Still cryin' about that?
Gaeta: The charges at the time were collaborating with an enemy in a time of war.
Kara: Waitin' for the punchline.
Gaeta: Turns out the jury that convicted me was made up of two Cylons and a woman married to a Cylon.
Kara: Rimshot. Big laugh. Applause, applause, applause. Are we done? Oh no, wait, I'm sorry. I forgot, we haven't gotten to the leg yet. 50 billion people are dead and I'm supposed to give a frak about your leg?
Oh…ouch. And maybe a little unlike Kara to NOT wait for it, which I kind of like. Because it falls in line with what she was feeling and thinking on the planet…facing whatever and not running from it. I could probably write meta for days on this topic. *LOL* But I'll spare you.
Gaeta: Yeah and who killed those 50 billion people, Kara?
Kara: It wasn't me.
Gaeta: No…it was your husband.
OMGS!!! Burn! And it's a scorcher that leaves a singe mark a mile wide. I mean who thinks Kara hasn't probably been freaking out about that fact? I know, right? Katee's face says it all…the thought has DEFINITELY crossed her mind, IMO.
Kara: Are you enjoying yourself? Is this how you get your kicks these days? Oh wait, I'm sorry, I meant half kicks.
Gaeta: [snorts] What was Sam doing on Caprica…before he so conveniently met you?
Fuck. There goes the knife between the ribs…with a little twist at the end. Again…who doesn't think Kara isn't wondering the same damn thing? When she's not asking herself what the hell she is?
I KNOW!! Exactly.
Gaeta: You ever wonder? You think maybe he nuked a few cities? Executed a few thousand prisoners? I'm just wondering.
Damn. As much as I wanna be massively pissed at Gaeta right now…he's fucking brilliant. Because unlike Kara dragging out the laundry list of reasons why Felix was the suck on New Caprica…Felix seems to be purposefully sowing seeds of dissent and doubt. I mean look at how everyone in the room is rapt with attention. They're hanging on every word and even if they don't believe anything Gaeta is saying right now…the idea is planted…all it needs is to take root.
Frak me.
Gaeta: But then again, maybe you're a Cylon, too.
Kara: At least I'm not a gimp.
Yeah…that was weak coming from Kara. But wait for it…she'll come back kicking.
Gaeta: [snorts again] One day…one day soon there's gonna be a reckoning, Kara. And once again people are gonna have to answer for what they have done.
Kara: Is that a threat?
Gaeta: You're godsdamned right that's a threat.
Yep…that gets a reaction from the crew…with an audible gasp from someone.
Kara: Well you know where to find me Felix. [stands up to leave, but leans in close to Gaeta] And in case you're wondering…I will definitely hit a cripple. [rises…gives everyone in the room a glance] Or anyone else. [Makes her exit]
Gaeta: So I guess a pity frak is out of the question then?
Damn, damn, damn. I could honestly write about this for DAYS. Gaeta masterfully stirred the shit pot and got the desired reaction from Kara. And the reason I say this is because he was too much in control to not have anticipated every last thing she would say. His non-reaction to her insults, to me, is a dead giveaway. Felix wanted Kara out of the room…and he directed every bit of that conversation to make it so.
Like I said…I wanna be pissed at him, but he pulled that off so beautifully I can't quite get there.
And of course…once Kara's gone…we get these ominous words:
Gaeta: Somebody close that hatch. Let's talk.
Dun, dun, dun. Anvil Drop Moment #5.
Heh…you know, Zarek tries so hard not to look like he's King for the Day(Week, Month, Year, For All Eternity) when he wants to present his motion…but kinda fails. There's just something about the way he formalizes everything (yeah…I know it's governmental stuff, but hang with me for a sec) that smacks of gleeful arrogance. Not sure that makes sense anywhere else but in my head…but I think it's because while Roslin maintained order we hardly ever saw her fall back on being all formal about it…unless she was pissed off. *LOL*
And on that happy off the wall thought…wait for it…BEEP! Off to part 2