BSG: SkyCap Review/Recap Sometimes A Great Notion - Part 1

Jan 23, 2009 14:13


Transcribed by: Sky

Written by: Bradley Thompson & David Weddle

Directed by: Michael Nankin

Holy Fuck.

Yes, you read that right…it's going to be my expletive of choice and I'll probably say it no less than 97 times before I'm finished with the recap.


Holy. Fuck.

Okay…sorry…had to get that out there.

It's minus 17 degrees (that does NOT include wind chill) and I'm sitting here in my freezing cold, drafty as hell house, bundled up in double layers with a scarf wrapped around my throat and…

I'm shivering…

And it's not from the temperature.

Holy…well, you get the picture right?

Where do I start? The premiere of BSG 4.5 didn't so much blow me away as it left me stunned speechless. Part of it is a good kind of silence. You know the contemplative, pondery, 'I have to wrap my head around a few things' type. And the other part is the kind of speechlessness where I have a whole lot to say and you might wanna strap in and hold on while I meander on with bunches of incoherent babble and loads of WFTery type commentary.

Right…like that makes sense. It should give you a clue about the episode, yeah? And I don't mean that in a bad way…I loved SAGN.

But I also sort of feel like I have whiplash from the somewhat clunky, disturbing, anvil dodging ride we were on. And wow, there were some heavy ones falling from the sky. And I didn't mind that so much because the acting, direction, editing, hell everything was just so damn good. Not to mention there were some cool shades of gray mixed in…even though I can pretty much guarantee they've pissed off a few different portions of fandom.

Luckily for me, the blurry areas make the show…they have from the beginning. And I got enough in tonight's episode to make me happy. : )

Everything else goes behind a cut because apparently half my flist will commit murder if they're inadvertently spoiled for ANYTHING show related. I don't feel like going to jail for being an accessory after the fact, so…let's get on with it.

Standard warnings apply per usual. Keep all liquids away from the keyboard, monitor and electrical current. Profanity will reign…I kid you not. Wild speculation and snarky opinions are always present. I can't seem to stop myself from including them. And last but not least, keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times…earth is a nuked out wasteland, don't you know.

All aboard for the mind-bending ride.

So…now that we're safely behind the cut…let me say one more time…

Holy Fuck.

For fun…I'm gonna begin things with a definition.

Really, Sky…what's the word of the day?

The word of the day is:

Bleak: adjective

1. gloomy and somber; providing no encouragement, depressing

2. cold and cutting; raw

3. exposed to the elements; unsheltered and barren

Good pick for tonight's episode, yeah? Cause people…it is bleak.

Even the supposedly happy moments are just so falsely brittle they crack under inspection. And isn't that the point? When you've reached your destination only to discover the trip has been one massive FUBAR, how are you supposed to act? Who doesn't have more questions? When are there going to be answers? Where the flaming hell can you go? And here's the big one…

What happens now?


Earth is supposed to be the end of the line, right? The shining beacon everyone can call home. Only it's not. So…Holy Fuck. The universe just handed out a massive bitchslap…which only serves to create more questions.

How does everyone cope? Who knows what's going on? When, where, what…and the next big one…


In all honesty…I think one of my favorite things about this episode is the whole question and answer theme I'm pulling from it. For every answer a character receives, a new question arises. As a viewer, the same thing happens. Every answer I get spawns a buttload of more questions. And I like that…even when it frustrates the ever loving hell out of me sometimes. *grins*

Now that you know where my head is…let's get to the actual recappage.

First up…slightly altered teaser opening:

Twelve Cylon Models

Seven are known

Four live in the fleet

One will be revealed.

I wonder if it'll change for the next episode? Hell…I wonder if the opening credits will be different now that earth is uninhabitable…

Next up…the Previouslies…(voiced by Kandyse McClure and heretofore known as Anvil Drop Moment #1)

Scenes from the courtship (or lack thereof) of Lee/Dee. Dee saying: I don't know what to make of you and me. (Anvil Drop Moment #2)

Scene from Exodus: Lee's having trouble accepting this…Dee tells him they have to push forward…keep the fleet together…find earth. (Anvil Drop Moment #3…are you following the pattern?)

Elosha: 3,600 years ago, Pythia wrote about the exile and rebirth of the human race. And the Lords anointed a leader to guide the caravan of the heavens to their new homeland. (This bit could be important…)

Tory getting her bitchitude on with Roslin. Cause she's one of the final five.

Tigh telling Adama it turns out there's another kind of Cylon they didn't know about…and he's one of them.

Ohh…new stuff. Adama orders a Corporal to get 'it' out of his sight.

Fist to the mirror. Ouch.

Kara finds out Shiny and Tyrol are Cylons…Sammy insists there's something different about her Viper…find out what it is.

Flick, Switch, Adjust…Colonial Emergency Locator Signal…

All in agreement? It's a stretch but the best they've got.

Lee: Where do we go from here? D'Anna: We go to earth together. *handshake*

Ships jump in…awesome shot of them all heading toward the planet.

Fistful of radioactive dirt.


Holy Fuck.

And so it begins…

No standard opening credits…just the names listed onscreen. Awesome…more BSG.

Open with water…waves rolling in…Tigh walks out to stare at the horizon. It's beautifully shot…and horribly bleak. (Yeah…I'll repeat that like a million times, too)

Baltar's in the middle of the ruined temple…at least it looks like a temple. Who knows?

Close up on Shiny…looking broody. Which, I think, is a new expression for him.

Now we've got water sloshing over rocks…not big waves, just those small gentle ones that finally wash in along the shore. Dee's at the water's edge, hands dipping in. Kinda brings back a memory of her convo with Felix after they found New Caprica.

Lee's pretty much where we left him…letting it sink in…roll around in his head…heaving a huge sigh at the shock and disappointment of it all.

Roslin pulls up a clump of dirt with a plant…holds it in her hand…

Helo calls Adama over…scouts say it's the same all over the planet. No answers to their hails…no signs of human life. D'Anna's reports are the same.

I mentioned it was bleak, yeah?

Kara's trying to find the source of the signal…but it's pretty weak. Battery must be low on juice. Leoben's ever helpful: 'It must've been on for a long time'. Interesting that he says this though…how would he know, right? Kara takes off, still searching…Leoben, of course, follows.

Baltar is now back in scientist mode…low level radiation definitely in the water and the food chain. Pass the word…don't eat or drink anything down there. Right…duh.

Shot of Tory looking around…

Back to Helo…Baltar just confirmed it…planet was nuked around 2000 years ago. Again…it squares with what D'Anna's teams have been finding all over the planet. Adama's not happy.

Neither is Roslin:

It's perfect. We traded one nuked civilization for another.

She looks broken.

You're not forgetting things are bleak, right?

Adama's ready to get out of there.

Over to Dee again…she finds a pocket watch and a set of jacks in the sand. And I'm willing to handwave the fact I don't think anything, after 2000 years, would be close enough to the surface for anyone to find (maybe they're findable because they're right by the ocean?) because it finally hits Dee and she breaks down while gathering up the lost toy…not the best souvenir nor one she would have probably chosen. This is also Anvil Drop Moment #4.

Cut to a Raptor and Dee quietly freaking out…telling herself 'just don't give up, just don't give up…just don't fall apart…just…' and Helo gives her some calm reassurance. (Anvil Drop Moment #5)


I'm sure, for some, the fact that Lee is present and sharing space with Dee (even if he's in the back with Roslin and Adama and no words are exchanged at all) it will mean that this was actually the start his lusting after his estranged wife. My question is…if Dee has that much power over men, why aren't people getting pissy at Helo for paying so damn much attention to her…after all, he's married with a kid…isn't that exactly the type of guy Dee supposedly goes for? *eye roll*



I have to give Kandyse credit here. You really can see the exact moment Dee makes her decision. And I love that, at first, it looks like an officer pulling it together. The fact you don't realize until later that it's not makes it all the more chilling, IMO.


Oh my…Roslin having to face all those hopeful people…just sad. Being unable to speak or offer some shred of something for them to hold onto to…ouch. And it's the first time I think I've actually seen her completely speechless…I mean she tries…but just.can'

And wow…the 'get me out of here'…in front of everyone? Can't be a good sign of what's to come.

Nope…it's not. Everyone wants to know what the hell is going on. The utterly lost look on Roslin's face as everyone crowds around her seeking answers kind of kills me. And Lee stepping in to say she'll make a statement in due course and they'll find out everything in good time? Methinks that may not happen.

Hmm…back on the planet…Kara finds something…colonial issue, standard on all aircraft…part of their inertial nav systems. That's interesting.

Even more interesting? What Leoben finds (and Anvil Drop Moment #6). A piece of wreckage with 757NC on it. Kara gets a little trippy and when Leo asks her what is it? What does it mean?

The number on her ship is 8757NC.

Holy Fuck.


The only scene in the entire episode that felt really out of place to me was the Family Agathon making merry in their quarters with Hera. Even when I understand, that as parents, they're doing everything they can to present a normal façade to their little one, the whole idea of them running around the room complete with sound effects is just jarring. Until you realize it's a set up for Anvil Drop Moment #7 when Dee arrives to babysit. And don't get me wrong…I'm truly glad the Agathons are using someone to keep an eye on the totlet and it makes sense they'd use Dee (very nice tie back to their friendship while orbiting New Caprica) but damn…everyone else is sorta all shell-shocked and they're like the happy campers on the G. *shrugs* Just feels weird.

Anyway...Dee sits with Hera saying the wee one has no idea what's going on, does she…that today is just another day…

It's very well played by Kandyse. I mean considering what's to come, it's definitely one of those moments that you look back on and say…yep…whole new meaning when you watch it again.



Hmm…interesting look on Tyrol's face.

Wow…didn't expect them to set up a dig site on the planet. Also didn't expect to see the Cylons working with humans either.

HOLY FUCK! They found the head of a Centurion. Like old style…but different. Frak me.

OMGS! Baltar's back in the lab. Sorry…that just makes my night. I've missed ScientistBaltar like whoa.

Ahh…very interesting dialog:

RandomSix: We found a couple of these scattered among the bones in sites around the planet.

Adama: Centurions

RandomEight: Similar, but not one of ours. We’ve never seen this design.

Roslin: So, the 13th Tribe settled here and created their own Cylons.

Lee: And the machines rose up and killed their masters.

Baltar: That's what we thought. Until we tested the bones.

RandomSix: 250 skeletons so far, from four different sites on the planet, using our protocols -

Baltar: The results are conclusive.

Adama: What's your point?

Tigh: [from the door] They're not human. They're Cylon.

Adama: All of them.

Tigh: All of them.

[momentary pause for reaction]

Baltar: The 13th Tribe was Cylon.

[another pause for reaction]

Tigh: The 13th Tribe, a tribe of Cylons, came to this planet and called it earth.


Holy Fuck. Seriously…what the flaming hell is going on? Remember when I said for every answer we get, it spawns a buttload of new questions? Yeah…this one is a big one. IMO.


Oh, wow. Knew that would hit Roslin hard, but having her completely shut down is hard to watch. But even her non-verbal self speaks volumes.

Kinda love how Lee is pushing for Roslin to speak to the Quorum because they do need to tell them something. And yeah…it should come from their president…but which one?

Hmm…the look Adama just threw Lee is interesting. It was just short of an eye-roll. More on this in a bit.

Apparently President Adama will be doing the talking if Adama's 'carry the ball' statement is any indication.


So…it looks like the surrogate parents of the fleet have degenerated into to self-indulgence. Honestly? It doesn't surprise me. Adama's breakdown in Revelations and Roslin's shock-induced indifference have been a long time coming.

But damn, it sucks to be Lee right now. He's assumed the role, once again, of the go to guy. Roslin can't/won't deal with the shit coming her way and Adama is, well, wait for it…the somewhat together guy we see here goes off the rails in the very near future.

Again, not that I blame either one of them. In fact, it's quite fascinating to watch the normally steady and solid leaders have to face a defeat on the level they are. And I like that it pretty much leaves Lee holding the bag so to speak…and it's one big ass bag, IMO. But instead of wallowing in the despair because he's had the same set back as everyone else, Lee is trying to figure out what to tell the fleet. It's very much one of the ways Lee copes with things. Plus it's a damn good thing someone is thinking about shit like that, yeah?



Adama giving Tigh the brush off by barely acknowledging his presence? Ouch. Tigh saying there's a lot he's gotta explain piques my interest though. Too bad he's talking to the space dust floating in the corridors.

Hrm…back on the planet and Tyrol's looking at a rather creepy imprint of a body on a wall. At least I think that's what it is.

Ack…flashback moment to EarthTyrol wandering around at some outdoor market place. What is that, an avocado? Holy Fuck…never mind…looks like he just got incinerated and the imprint he touched was his own burnt reflection. That would knock me on my ass, too. *shudders* Cree-pee.

Whoa. I'm stunned by this exchange:

Kara: If my Viper splattered all over this planet, then who flew it here? And what the hell did I fly back to Galactica?

Leoben: Maybe it's better off not knowing.

Kara: You're always telling me to face the truth and not run from it. Why the sudden change of heart?

Um yeah…good question.

Leoben: I got a feeling. You might not like what you find.

Sorry…that rude noise was me snorting. Do any of them like what they've found on the planet?

Kara: For me? Or you?


Seriously? I love this scene. And I think it's because Kara is so utterly in control. That NEVER happens when she's around Leo. Even when she first kinda freaked out when he read the numbers off the wreckage it didn't last long. Hell, she almost seems comfortable around him. And no, I'm not jumping on the Goodship Kara/Leo should anyone have doubts.

I'm cheery about this for two reasons: a) Kara talking to Leo like it's no big thing kinda gives me a clue that he doesn't have the power to affect her anymore. If she's not pissed off, angry, terrified, scared, or acting batshit insane around him…she's come a LONG, LONG way. And b) Mr. I Have All The Answers is actually stunned silent when Kara wants to know if it's her…or him…that won't like what they find.

A silent Leoben is total win. : )


Guh…Lee in the briefing room makes me all sniffly. Especially when he's being contemplative and remembery. And this scene has some really great beats in it…unless you're one of those fans who can't deal with humanity in its truest form.

But I'll be honest, this scene also has some stuff that just makes me kind of shake my head…even though I completely get the whats, whys, and hows. Cause it's important as Anvil Drop Moment #8.

So, let's set this up. Lee's in the briefing room suited up for his quorum/presidential duties when Dee finds him…the raptor is waiting to take him back to Colonial One…what's he doing in here?

The dialog:

Lee: [sigh] I was just thinking…about all the pilots who sat in those seats. Gave their lives for a dream of a new beginning on earth. I don't want their sacrifice to be meaningless.

Dee: You've got that look again.

Lee: What look?

Dee: The one you had when your father took Galactica back to New Caprica. We stayed behind on Pegasus with the civilian fleet. You thought you'd never see him again.

Lee: I'm that easy to read, huh?

Dee: Just to me.

Let's stop here for a moment and discuss why this has me shaking my head. I understand why they've got this here. Lee's feeling the weight of Roslin's lapse into silence, but he's also trying to cope with the loss of what earth represented. So yeah…I'm on board with that. I guess I've got a bit of an issue with Dee comparing the look on his face to the one he had when they split from Galactica. And it's not the concept…it's the wording.

To me, it just feels a little…odd…that she's equating never seeing a person (Adama) again with what they're dealing with on earth. It's like comparing apples to oranges, IMO, because in reality they're not remotely the same. Except that both represent loss…and I get that…I just think there are better ways it could have been written to fully get the point across.

But as the scene progresses it all makes more sense. Let's continue…

Lee: There were some good times for us, weren't there? On Pegasus.

Dee: [nods]

Lee: Yeah.

Dee: I remember what you told me. We had to keep the human race going. And you did.

Lee: No. We did. I couldn't have done it without you, Dee.

Dee: You will this time, too.

Lee: I don't know how. I don't know what the frak I'm gonna tell the Quorum. The good news is real estate prices are low. Truth is there is no happy way to spin this thing.

Dee: So don't. Tell them the truth. That's what people need to hear and you're the one they need to hear it from. [beings to straighten Lee's suit] If anybody can give them a reason to go on it's you. [finishes and steps back] Apollo.

Okay…first, let's get the part that bugs me out of the way…cause this really is a beautiful moment. But…yet again…I've got issue with the wording. Lee may have said they had to keep humanity going, no matter what the cost or who they had to leave behind…but it was after Dee more or less pep talked him into it. So…meh…this doesn’t work for me. Then again…I've never really been fond of her 'go team go' talks with Lee. They work so much better with Adama.

That said…what do I like? The chemistry is almost perfect. And if I can watch in silence…I get more out of this than with the dialog. Which is kind of sad…but whatever.

I like that Dee surprises Lee with her complete support…especially when she says that Lee's the one the people need to hear it from. I mean…what a change, right? She leaves him because he's gone civilian, yet there she stands convincing him he can do what has to be done. And yeah…that turns into a double-edged sword for him, but I truly think Dee believes Lee can and will figure out what to do…just as she has decided what to do for herself.

Which is why I didn't gnash my teeth at the whole drink/date thing. Except for the part where Lee gets used, once again, to move the plot where it needs to go. But in all honesty…the beauty of that moment overrides my urge to bitchslap the powers that be for doing that…again. Because the underlying vibe of two people reaching out for something familiar in the middle of devastating circumstances does come through and that's probably more important than my pissy feelings. *LOL*

And regardless of what certain portions of fandom think…it had nothing to do with Lee needing to get laid. *eye roll*



Seriously? Sorta love how desolate the planet looks. Talk about setting the right tone.

HA! Leoben really, really doesn't want Kara to find out what lies ahead. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that she pretty much doesn't give a flying frak.

Damn…she sure seemed to have to walk a long distance to get where she needed to go. That cannot bode well.

Ack…more wreckage…like cockpit sized wreckage. Oh Kara…are you sure you want to do that?

Erm…yep. And she wants Leoben to help her godsdammit. *meep*

Heh…gotta say a hesitant Leo is something I'm quite enjoying.

Holy Fuck! That looks like a viper helmet. EEK! It is…and no, no, no…HOLY FUCK! HOLY FUCK! HOLY FUCK!


Um…yeah. This is where I literally start shivering…and it has nothing to do with the cold. HOLY FUCK. And it's not like I wasn't spoiled for this…because I totally was…but I truly cannot describe how seeing the skeleton (complete with blond hair…yeah, I'm handwaving it cause it was THAT powerful) in that viper makes me feel. Serious kudos to Katee for playing that to perfection. Her reaction, I mean.

And we're not done yet…

Because Kara reaches in and pulls the tags…and HOLY FUCK! They're Kara's…complete with Zak's ring. WTF? Seriously? And you know what truly messes with my head? Mr. I Have All The Answers freaking out and backing away. That and Kara's voice when she says: 'If you've got an explanation for this…now is the time.' And the look on her face? GAH!

And again…it wigs me out that Leoben is reduced to stuttering out that he's got nothing. Hell…I almost want him to start talking about rivers, streams, ripples and tides just to keep my head from spinning and my body from shivering. And if I wasn't so riveted to the screen and so drawn into trying to wrap my head around this…I'd be pissed that he picks now to lose his own personal religion of Kara Thrace.

But wait…it's not over…Katee and Callum nail the next part. I mean nail it. When Kara turns around to face Leoben…everything is on her face…the fear, the confusion, the searching for an answer…and Leoben is at.a.loss. Because he was wrong. About earth. And he looks like he's stunned stupid at the thought of it.

And Kara? She's wrecked. Because now it's not just fear and confusion she's feeling…but horror and trepidation. And what happens next should make me want to cheer and dance naked…but it doesn't…it kinda leaves me a little hollow and wobbly…something I didn't expect.

Kara tells Leo that his Hybrid told her something. Said that she was the harbinger of death. That she would lead them all to their end.

And damn…it's like Leo can't back away fast enough. She told Kara that? And when Kara asks if it's true…twice…he doesn't answer…just continues to back away…

And Kara…she's still seeking answers:

If that's me lying there then what am I?

Leoben just looks back…then keeps on walking away.

What am I?

Another look back…then nothing…

What am I?



GAH! Nothing I can say will do that scene justice. It's beautifully scripted, filmed and acted. For serious.

And when I'm not shouting for joy that Leoben's been shut down…that's saying something. Don't get me wrong. I do love, love, love that Answer Man didn't have all the answers. And he ran like a frightened animal, the exact opposite of what he's always telling Kara to do, so the irony of that is well…ironic. But dammit…it's so well acted and I'm so freaked out I don't want to be bouncy about it. Maybe some distance combined with 97 more rewatches and I'll be at a place where I can truly appreciate Leoben's epic fail at predicting the Hybrid's ramblings.

Until then…


Hrm…okay…Shiny finds part of a guitar in the ruins and I'm pretty sure we're supposed to pick up on the fact that he's had a major revelation like Tyrol's. Doesn’t quite come across that way but my brain is still trying to absorb everything that just went down with Kara…so…that could be it.

Ahh…the Freaky Cylon Song again…with more words…and Shiny placing his hands on the fret like he's playing. OMGS…OMGS…OMGS…if this goes where I think it might…well…wait for it.

Um…where's Shiny going? Oh…to find Tyrol. Ugh…it's kinda creepy that he's sitting right next to where the imprint of his body is.

Oh…the dialog:

Shiny: You remember something?

Tyrol: Yeah. I used to live here.

Shiny: Me, too. That song that switched us on? I played it. For a woman I loved.

Tory: I remember.

Shiny: You do?

Tory: You played it for all of us.

Tyrol: [points to the imprint of his body] That was me. We died in a holocaust.

Shiny: So why are we still alive? That happened 2000 years ago. How did we get to the colonies? Come to think that we were human? 2000 years is a long time to forget.


Holy Fuck!

Anders' former self was a rock star?

I'm sorry…but I'm dying here. And I so needed that after the whole thing with Kara finding her body. Because this just explains sooooo much to me…enough that I finally have a handle on the character. And I don't care if I have to apply stereotyping…whiny petulant behavior, inability to follow simple orders, acting first without regard to fucking shit up…to do it.

People…this is a cause for celebration!! I'm not joking. *LOL*

And yeah, yeah…I'm jumping to one big ginormous conclusion here. For all we really know Shiny was a bum who played guitar under an overpass…an idea planted in my head by the incomparable Pi…but the notion he's always been a self-absorbed, 'me, me, me', put on a show kind of person trumps everything for me right now. It's just too much fun.

What? There was other important information presented? Right…2000 years is a long time to forget, how did they come to think they were human and how did they end up in the colonies? All good questions, but let's see where all that goes before diving in too deep.

Have to say, I'm a wee bit disappointed that all we know about Tory's life so far is that she heard Anders sing. Woo. *does finger twirl of joy*

Here's hoping we'll get a little more about her.


Damn. (What…you thought I was gonna say Holy Fuck…didn't you?) Roslin's burning the book of prophecy? In the middle of Adama's quarters. (Weird side note…what happened to his other rug?)

This is brutal:

Adama: We've gotta do something. Morale's going down the toilet. What are you doing?

[sees what she's burning]

Adama: Pythian prophecy. [sits beside her] Cottle told me you didn't show up for your Diloxin treatment.

Roslin: That's right.

Adama: You gonna tell me why?

Roslin: I didn't feel like it.

Adama: You gonna reschedule?

Roslin: I don't think so.

Adama: Laura, you need your treatment.

Roslin: No I don't.


Adama: [whispers] What are you doing? Are you just gonna lie down and quit? You're the one who made me believe in this.

Roslin: You shouldn't have listened to me. When the Cylons first attacked you should've held your ground and kept fighting. Because I was wrong. I was wrong about everything. And all those people who listened and they trusted me and they followed me. All those people? They're dead.

[Adama tries to comfort her]

Roslin: Don't. Stop. Stop. [breaks] Don't touch me. Just go.

[Adama reluctantly leaves]

Roslin: [Watching the book burn] Burn… [cries] Burn…[sobs]



Roslin is dying and her sole purpose was getting the fleet to earth. Now that they're there and it's a complete wasteland…she's done. And she appears to be ready to let herself die. Which is such a true reaction, it's like her punishment for everyone who died getting them there.

But it's also selfish. And I love that it is. Because it's honest…Roslin is only concerned with the epic fail of her beliefs. Why wouldn't she be? She's held it together for so long…pushing forward, sometimes to the detriment of herself and the fleet, but she was solid.

Well, no more. She's going to indulge herself and fall apart. And I'm not saying she doesn't deserve to do so…but damn…it's painful to watch. Look at Adama when she tells him to go. Yeah. The thing about self-indulgence is that it blinds you to the harm inflicted on others. And Roslin knows this…she's seen it up close with Baltar. The fact that she doesn't care…at this moment in time…is heartbreaking…but very, very real.

And again, I find it interesting that just as Roslin and Adama have started letting emotions in by admitting how they feel about each other, they're thrust into a storm that threatens to break them both. Not sure what that says about love and strength and survival…but it's something to ponder. As is Adama's reaction to her rejection.

As always, Eddie and Mary nail this. Understatement can speak volumes in their hands.

On that note…wait for the BEEP and head over for part 2.

msr3k, review, bsg, recap, battlestar galactica, skycap

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