Last Lace Wars reenactment of the season

Sep 06, 2013 16:21

I also have some photos of last Sunday's 18thC  reenactment to share, I can't find the charger for my camera so had to use my phone, which has the one bonus of easy photo uploading ;)
(I really need to work out how to do a cut on my phone app! )

Walking towards the government camp:

The view from our home from home - the officer's tent:

Mummy sorting out her lunch:

Me ditto ;)

Out for a stroll:

After stand down the boys got up a bit of a cricket match, our regiment, Pulteney's XIII and the visitors (who's name I can't remember! )

Needless to say, our boys won ;)

I'm going to be doing a lower class impression next year, which should be fun :)

Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

via ljapp, 18th c prussian blue wool, 18th c brunswick, 18th c mummy's girls kit, 18th c ikea jacket, 18th c accessories

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