A change of plans!

Jun 12, 2011 00:20

We both woke up this morning not really in the mood to go out, and the weather forcast was not at all good, so we decided not to go to the reenactment. We might still go tomorrow, but probably not, we're really enjoying a do-nothing weekend for a change!
Since we weren't going out, I got to do some play sewing :) I've been looking at lots of sewing blogs lately, especially vintage inspired ones, and have been taken by a bit of a refashioning bug, and not having any costuming deadlines has let me spend some time making modern clothes! I've so far turned a thrifted man's button down shirt into a summery skirt (of course, it was stupidly cold and rained the day I wore it to work this week!) and another one into a tunic top, although it still needs something to give it a bit more shape through the underbust.
Today I threw myself into apron making! I found several pretty patterns and tutorials on the web, and
The first is made from some quilting cotton left over from a project of Clare's, and some pink check cotton from an old dress that I found in my stash.

It's made from this pattern:
With an added pocket trimmed with cakes and cupcakes :)

Next was this one:

It's based on ideas from this page of vintage patterns:
I used some mauve cotton with green giraffes printed all over it, that Mummy had from a WI craft session at least 20 years ago, and some minty green cotton from the stash for the binding and neck ties.

The fabric reminds me of pictures I've been seeing lately of feedsacks, does it you? And really adds to the vintage feel :)

Tomorrow I shall be wearing one of the aprons while I attempt to whip up a batch of Mars bar brownies (Milky ways to those of you over the pond) and then I expect I'll also do some more dressmaking, I still have several shirts to cut up, not to mention several patterns for skirts I want to try :D

dressmaking, baking

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