Ninja diseases

Feb 13, 2009 08:30

Being at a college that is heavy in nursing students, we tend to hear a lot about diseases and health what-nots, and eventually superbugs come up (MRSA, etc.) Well, after having what I have, I'm in no position to doubt.

For those that don't know, MRSA (or Methicllin-Resistant Staph Aureus) is womderful proof of Darwin's theory of natural selection in the medical world. Essentially, it is a staph bacteria that has become resistant to 99% of our antibiotics. This bug in particular loves to wipe out hospitals. It is one of the major arguments against over-medicating in Americans, since it is pretty much certain that it arose because we over-prescribed antibiotics for things like the sniffles.

Me? I've got MRSA's upper repiratory infection cousin. Honestly, I've been hopped up on Nyquil (the good, 10% alcohol liquid stuff, no mamby-pamby pills) for 6 days, now. The nastiness started as clogged sinuses, then moved to my throat and ears, then to my chest, back to my nose, back to my throat, and finally is starting anew (except, my ears are -still- awful -- one needs to pop). Needless to say, my life has been a snuffly nightmare where I quarantine myself from human contact in a far corner of the room during classes and snuggle with tea every moment possible.



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