Hello, old friend

Nov 18, 2007 11:38

I've decided to dust off the old livejournal and take it for a spin once more.

I could sit here and whine and complain about how the last few months have been so hard, etc. but I'll save you from that... I'm ready to simply look forward.  What is in the past can't be changed, so there is no use sitting around feeling sorry for myself.  I can better apply myself to the present day and make sure that I'm paving a successful future for myself.

So, I'm going to try something different with my journal today.  In the spirit of "do what you've always done, get what you've always got," I'm going to set some goals for myself here, just to get them out in black and white (or I think my journal colors are black and cream, but that's no matter).

1. Be good to everyone good to me.

It's very important to let people in my life who have never faltered me to know that I love them.  Letting them think anything otherwise is untrue to myself, and is morally wrong.

2. Be good to those who are not so good to me.

This is trickier.  Some people I don't have in my life because allowing them in virtually destroys everything.  I accept that and I can easily move past that.  However, some people treat me poorly and my initial response to them has been to treat them poorly in return.  This gets me nowhere except for me to feel alone and angry.  I don't have time in my life to feel alone and angry.  I will try my best to treat them with compassion and friendship, and hope that one day, things can be better.

3. Re-dedicate myself to being and becoming who I want to be in life.

I need to sharpen once more who exactly I hope to be.  This is an exciting time in my life, and I'm afraid I'll forget that fact if I get caught up in too many other small and petty things. 
Off the top of my head, some things I hope to be:

A. Role-model
    B. Positive
    C. Accepting
    D. Understanding
    E. Energetic
    F. Creative
    G. Curious
    H. Uninhibited
    I.  Happy
    J. Trust-worthy

That's about all I can think of at the moment, but if these are the first things that come to mind, I suppose they are the most important.

If anyone's actually reading this, I hope you're well and happy today :)
