i love rainy days,

Mar 21, 2007 09:41

This week has been a big week. My lil baby boy got his first tooth! [bottom tooth]. He's been putting his lil fingies in his mouth because he notices a change as well. (pain too)... I give him these cool teething tablets and teething gel to help. I feel like this is a huge step though. It makes me excited and sad at the same time. Excited because I'm proud of him, but sad because I feel like he's growing too fast. I keep trying to open his mouth to show people his new achievements, ( I call it that anyway) and lil Levi sticks his little toungue out so people can't see. It's honestly the cutest thing!

Since I've started my new job, I haven't really had time to do a lot of things. With working 10 hours a week, going to school, and taking care of my beautiful baby I am soooo exhausted at the end of the day.

Lil levi is on my llittle lappy right now... he loves looking at the computer screen. I actually have this box scrolled down and another picture in the background that he enjoys looking at.

Levi fascinates me so much. I feel, like every smile i get from him makes me a better, happier  person inside. I love everything about this little boy. Last night I was talking with jordan about all the things we especially love about him that only Levi is capable of:

  • the way he farts and laughs. &&& the cute little sound he makes while doing so.

  • the way he flies his arms up and down when he wants to be lifted up.

  • the way he latches on to me when he's so hungry, yet he ate 20 minutes before that.

  • the way his farts turn into sharts.

  • the way he lifts his legs when he tries to turn

  • his million and five rolls.

  • his big beautiful eyes.

  • his insiy bitsy minute amount of hair.

  • the way he plays with his new big bird.

  • the way he makes us feel so wanted, needed and fulfilled inside.

  • the way he means sooooo, sooo much to so many people.

  • the gift he truly is from heaven above

  • the way you squeeze his little legs and he thinks its the funniest thing

  • ===icouldfillinamillionmorethings .

I’ll add to the list later, we are going to go play and read a book.

l ove, marie and levi.

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