Theme Votes Have Been Counted!

Jun 02, 2011 19:14

As you all know, the next theme will be "Secondary Characters." (Options will be:Big Macintosh, Spike, Zecora, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, Gilda, and The Great and Powerful Trixie.)


We had voting for our future themes! Here are the results:


In second place we had the "Species" theme.

In third place was "Baby Ponies."

Now, because there are soooo many background ponies, we're definitely going to have to do this in at least two (maybe three!) parts. I'd love some input from all of you on who you would like to see for voting options. (Derpy is a given XD ) So make some suggestions! And try to limit them to no more than 5 or 6 per member for now. ;D

List of Suggested Voting Options
-Derpy Hooves
-Bon Bon
-Dr. Whoof
-Scratch/DJ PON-3
-Photo Finish
-Hoity Toity
-Sapphire Shores

Also, if you wanted to suggest a theme and missed your chance- never fear! We will have another poll in a few months to choose more themes! But don't delay! Go here and suggest a theme today!

Edited at 8:47 pm EST


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