Honesty: All About You!
Name/Nickname: Alicia
Since LJ likes to be legal, are you 13 or older? Yep :3
General Location: (Example, USA, New York, France, Europe...) USA
Briefly describe your personality: I'm very shy until you get to know me, and even them I'm pretty distant. I value my friends more than they'd ever know, even though I'm not always very open about things. Playful. Creative. Critical - I criticize myself A LOT. I'm more comfortable as like a 'loner;' if I'm gonna be in a group setting, I prefer it to be small. I like to think I'm kind. I think I'm a good listener, and that I can see both sides to a situation and give unbiased input. I don't think may people see this, but I'm kinda pessimistic too. I can be very very stubborn.
Likes: Ponies! Reading, art, drawing [ponies XD] music, books, cute things, dance, any form of creativity really. Um. Self-expression. Making graphics. My family/friends/loved ones - and being there for them whenever I can, in whatever way I can. Stars, scenery. I like nature. Um. There's more, but this is just getting to be very random XD
Dislikes: Restrictions. Close-mindedness. Cockiness/Holier-Than-Thou attitudes. I'm kinda not a people-person in general; it's a lot easier online. A lot of food - I'm a picky eater. Again, idk, lots of stuff, but I'll leave it here.
Loyalty: All About You And Your Friends!
In your group of friends/family you are... (Check all that apply)
[] The Loud One
[x] The Quiet One
[] The Athlete
[x] The Smarty Pants
[] The One Who Loves to Party
[x] The Hard Worker
[x] The Trendsetter
[x] The Artist
[] The Leader
[x] The Random One
[] The Animal Lover
[x] The Musician
[] The Boy/Girl Crazy One
[x] The Dork
[x] The Cute One - or so I'm told anyway ;D
[] The Overdramatic One
[x] The Night Owl
[x] The Mature One
Kindness: All About Your Favorites!
Please tell us your favorite(s)...
Color: Black. Grey - preferably dark, but I like grey. Hot Pink. Bright Orange. DarkbutBright Purple.
Season: Autumn.
Food: Italian. Cheesecake. Coffee [shush it's a food!]. Chocolate. Cupcakes - they are better than real cake. Chips & Salsa.
Musician/Band: My Chemical Romance. The Beatles. Flyleaf. Jimmy Eat World. Just Surrender. Alesana. Anberlin. I guess Alternative/Pop-Rock/Pop-Punk? IDEK how to classify it.
Movie: MLP! Escape from Midnight Castle to be exact~. Um. PotC series. Nightmare Before Christmas. Disney movies. IDK, I like lots of movies, and of all different genres.
T.V Show: MLP: FiM. House. Dexter. Merlin. Game of Thrones. Being Human. Veronica Mars. Big Love. Obviously I can't narrow things down to a single favorite XD.
Laughter: All About Choices!
Please choose one or the other. You may elaborate on your answers if you wish...
Day or Night? Night
Spicy or Mild? Spicy
In a Group or By Yourself? By Myself
Dreams or Reality? Dreams
Giving or Receiving? Giving
Work or Play? Can't I say both? XD It totally depends, there are certain work-related things I love doing and I do them over like, relaxing and watching a show that I like, it really just depends. I guess I'd say Play if I have to choose though.
Water or Fire? Water
Air or Earth? Air
Rule or Be Ruled? Be Ruled. I am not the leader-type.
Plan Ahead or Go With The Flow? It's a bit of both again, kinda depends on the situation. Random movie night out of nowhere! Oh fun! But like...figuring out holidays, please plan ahead, etc. I think Plan Ahead is the most accurate/often choice though.
Wallflower or In The Spotlight? Wallflower
Organized or Messy? Organized - but ok usually, an organized~ mess, but I know where things are!
Generosity: All About Your Hopes, Dreams, and Talents!
What is your dream job? Graphic Designer :3
Where do you think you'll be in ten years? Probably not much different from where I am now, except hopefully have my Graphic Design major. Oh, and be married. I've got the engaged part down, have the wee little bb part down. Own place, check. So, it just needs to be extended~ a bit I guess. Idk really. I honestly don't plan that far ahead. I like things to be planned, but not my future, I'd rather 'let the cards fall as they may.'
What are your special talents? It's really hard for me to praise myself, so I don't really know :/ I'm a good listener I think, but I don't know that it's a special talent. I have a knack for graphic designing/making I guess, and it's definitely a big passion for me. But I don't really know that I'd consider it a 'special talent' either. Idk, this is a hard one for me. I'm just me XD
If you could change one thing about your personality, would you? What would it be? I'm very very indecisive, and when I do decide something, I forever question it, so I'd change that about me. Amongst other things, but that's what pops to mind. Oh. I'm pretty bad at procrastinating too, and it gets me in tight spots sometimes.
Who or what inspires you? Can I say everything? XD I'm a very creative person - I like to think so at least. So I get inspired by all sorts of things. Nature, fandoms I like, random colors or patterns. Fairy tales if I may get sappy~ In the world of graphics-making, I'd say the 'competition' inspires me - like the people I look up to, admire, think are better than me, etc. The world around me inspires me a lot though, like I said nature, random pictures, etc. I find inspiration in a lot of places.
If you could make one wish... what would it be? I should be able to answer this easily, because I make random wishes all the time, like the little 'cliché' things you're supposed to wish on: wish flowers, a fallen eyelash, a backwards necklace chain, etc. Actually. I think the only thing I'd wish for is that my little one leads a full, happy life. We almost lost him, and myself, when he was born, so I'm really fearful for him, probably a bit paranoid, but just, I worry about him a lot.
Magic: My Little Pony
Why do you like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? I've been involved with MLP since I was a little girl. When other little girls were playing with dolls and barbies, I was running around my house with a blanket in my pants for a tail, re-enacting the MLP movies. Or with my own My Little Ponies. I collect them now, and I still have most of my childhood collection, as well as several additions. I've begun dabbling in customizing them too. Long-story short: MLP back on TV? I AM THERE. And the show is just way too cute - I'd like it even if I weren't a pony-fanatic.
Princess Celestia or Princess Luna? If this were Princess Luna as Nightmare Moon, I'd say her. But, as princesses, I'll go with Princess Celestia. She has this like, idk, mischievous streak to her, even when she's being all regal.
If you had a cutie mark, what do you think it would be? I have a pony persona that has stars and music notes as her cutie mark, but I think it would be something different now - I may make another one. Anyway. I think now it would be something to do with art - maybe even Photoshop tools or something. They aren't particularly pretty, but Photoshop is my tool of choice with art - Graphic Design after all.
Which episode is your favorite? Why? Probably the first 2. I was so excited to see a villain! I really wish Nightmare Moon had stuck around longer, because she was awesome. Buuuut the ponies had to discover their magical friendship and stuff, so I understand as far as plots and things go. This is a hard decision though - I absolutely love this show, and there haven't been any episodes that I was just 'meh' over. I also really liked Green is Not Your Color [I think that's what it was]; Photofinish was hilarious! XD And the CMC ones. I love them :3 Apple Bloom is too presh.
Which Element of Harmony are you? (This will not affect your final vote, but you can choose not to answer) I'm gonna decide not to answer, as I don't want to influence anything ;)
Anything else? I LOVE PONIES! :3
Please Post the Links to 3 Applications You Have Voted on Here... You Will Not Be Stamped Until You Do This!
There aren't any yet, but I'll be voting if more come in :3
Screened my comments. I know that bothers some stampers, so I thought I'd forewarn~ anyone interested in stamping me. ♥