(no subject)

Feb 22, 2006 22:09

I love exercising! :D I had a broomball game Sunday, Volleyball practice Monday, a broomball game Tuesday and a volleyball game tonight. We won all of our games and the game Tuesday was quarter finals so semi finals are Sunday and I'm really excited. I've gotten a lot of injuries this week though, so I'm a little sore. Monday night Trevor served the ball really hard and I tried to pass it with one arm and over extended my elbow or something, I don't know but it still hurts like crazy. Then the broomball game Tuesday was by far the roughest game we've played yet. I got cracked across the nose really hard with a broom stick, and I was hoping for a black eye, but didn't get one :| Then one of the guys on my team was trying to clear the ball away from the net and hit it as hard as he could...straight into my leg, which was only about 2 feet away from him, so now I have a giant goose egg on my leg as a result. I do believe I screamed some obscenities pretty loud, but nothing compared to the guy who dropped the F-bomb loud enough for the entire campus to hear. He definitely should have gotten a penalty for that because he only yelled it cuz Maddie blocked his goal. Maddie was late to the game so I got to play goalie for a little while, which I'd never done before. They didn't score on me and I even had a few pretty good saves. My knees are a little banged up from it though. I also have a bruise on the bottom of my foot, that's right...the bottom, and I have no clue how it got there! The volleyball game tonight went awesome as well. We won 15-5, 15-1. I even made the winning point, and it was a kill! :D

Classes are also going extremely well. I was getting C's on almost everything in Math, but I just got a quiz back and got 20/20. I also got my country quiz back in Human Geography and got a 50/50 on that. In English, I finally got my symbolism paper back and I got an A on that also, so I think I have an A in three of my classes, which is good. I only had a 3.1 last semester so I really need to keep my grades up. By the end of the week I will have had three of my classes canceled, so that's also a bonus. Monday my English class was canceled because my professor was still conferencing with people, then my Math class was canceled cuz my professor was sick, and I got to eat dinner at the den so that was a pretty good day. Plus my Human Geography professor just told the class today that we don't have to show up Friday, so I can actually sleep in! :D

So overall it's been a pretty good week, better than I've had in a long time!
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