May 13, 2005 06:41
There are little things that bug me about IU. Here's one: My Cyrus mail (the 100MB thing) suddenly went away, deleting any and all messages sent to me after 3/23/05. Fucking cool, guys. I didn't need that shit anyway. Oh, wait.... yeah, hopefully that somehow straightens itself out or I get to call/raise hell, etc.
Another thing that annoys me? Well, all my grades FINALLY showed up the other day. The problem? Oh, one of the grades that's supposed to be an A or B shows up as an F. Interesting. The assbag of an instructor says "Uh...shit...will fix that ASAP...or something" and the registrar somehow refuses to believe me and says that if that's not my actual grade it's up to the instructor to fix things in good time. I guess I can see that on the registrar's end, but you'd think they could make it easy for instructor's to fix completely fucked up grades. So, in the meantime, I'll probably get my grades sent home and have to explain that, no, I did not REALLY fail a class. Fucking fuck.