It's been a busy 24 hours. Poor Spartacus ended up going the the vet because he just would not stop scratching even though he had no fleas. He has contact derma. so he is on meds and has to wear a cone around his neck for the next 3 weeks.
The meds leave him high so he sleeps a lot and stagers around like an old drunk. He is usually a very busy Pomchi.
I finished Beading the wolf Yipee!!!! I always get bored filiing in the backgrounds so Its always great to get them done.
The wolf piece is 5 1/4 inches around and beaded on canvas. I think the snow looks good.
I used a combination of 10/0 and 11/0 see beads.
The colors I used are:
Bright yellow 11/0 , Lame deer montana blue 11/0, Transparent golden brown 11/0, black opaque 11/0 , Mixed matt grays 10/0 opaque white 11/0, Transparent silver lined colbat blue 11/0 and bright silver 10/0.
In a few days I will finish it and add drops.
I Have already started on my neck project this afternoon. I need a beaded madallion for Gabes Bustle so thats my project for tonight. It's 2 1/2 inches around. Here's a quick picture just to show what I have started.
Its beaded on chamios leather instead of my usual canvas. I am hoping to have it finished for tomorrow So I need to get back to work.