Whats up!

Oct 14, 2010 14:03

Well since I just paid for another two months i thought that maybe posting to my LJ would be a good idea then I won't be wasting very hard earned money.  Since i can't do cuts yet the posts will be small.  Lets see today I cleaned a rental home for MR. B.  I used to only clean new construction homes before they had owners but  no one is building at the moment so its cleaning rentals for now.  Yuck I swear people are simply pigs.  I know that might seems harsh but the tenants had only been in the home for 3 months and it was so dirty that all the carpets had to be replaced and the appliances.  They had 3 pet rabbits and thought it was cruel to cage them.  All of the real yuck was already gone by the time i had to clean  so I bid it low and finished in 4 hours.   The only other news I have is I signed up for nanowrimo.
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