Cub Scout Day camp 2009

Jun 28, 2009 11:45

Last week Gabe went to Cub Scout Day Camp.  That wasn't anything New for him he has been doping things with the cub and Boy Scout since he was born Because Grandpa was the Cub/Scoutmaster.  What was great this year was that he is a real Tiger Cub Scout not a Tag a long.

Camp was great This is Gabe and Di He says he's going to marry her when he grows Up.  On the 2nd day Gabe's Den leader had to leave taking the oNly other Tiger Cub with her.  So Gabe ended up with the Oldest group Of Boys who Had Di as a Leader.

He had a very busy week .

He did arts and crafts twice a day. Here he is making a mobile.

He Played water sports.  That was a big blow up slide into a pool and Gabe's favorite water gun warriors.

He shot archery.  He was very good at it and got several bulls eyes during the week.

He also shot beebee's .  He wasn't as good at Beebee's as he was archery but he still had fun.

There were also lots of fun Games.  Gabe's favorite was the dinosaur dig.  They dug for plastic dinosaurs, plastic gold and silver coins and dinosaur eggs.

At the end of the week they had an awards ceromney and did skits.  Here Gabe is getting his award from Ms Jean.

All in all it was a great week .

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