Photos from the NYC Photo Shoot, Saturday, July 12

Jul 14, 2008 17:25

Many thanks to all who showed up and squeezed into my tiny apartment - I didn't expect more than a handful, but we totalled eight. We had a wonderful time, though I was dead-tired from being up too late the night before, but the energy of the others more than made up for it. I discovered that I'd much rather be photographing than posing. I am terrible at posing. I just like making costumes and that's my only motivation for getting in front of the camera. In contrast, everyone else was fantastic at posing. It was a joy to photograph them, as everything they did was engaging and photogenic.

We never made it down to the Seaport, as I was just too tired after traipsing all around the West Village and taking hundreds of photos. We spent a lot of time in the courtyard of my building and in front of the facade, as well as near the old carriage house a few doors down from my place. Afterwards they had refreshments at Starbucks while I changed out of my Western costume and into my neo-Victorian one. We went to the Jefferson Market Library and took many photos on the spiral staircase. The librarian came out to yell at us, of course, surprisingly, not for making too much noise but for blocking the staircase. Or actually, just to establish his librarianish curmudgeonly qualities.

We also took photographs in Minetta Park before retiring to a nearby restaurant to talk LARP, Doctor Who, and Star Trek before parting company.

My favorite shots are below and there are more on my Photobucket page. I do apologize for not knowing everyone's names; I knew them on Saturday but now it's Monday and I've forgotten most. Maybe next time, when the weather cools down a bit, we can do this again and get down to Lower Manhattan and other locations.

My favorite photo of the shoot: a steampunk Valentine. They look like they stepped out of
a Victorian greeting card, and the lady's upturned angelic face is pure Victorian beauty.

The ladies on the dry fountain in my courtyard

Is it breaking and entering if the window was already broken?

Interesting perspective in the narrow corridor leading to my building's courtyard

Posing in my Western steampunk outfit, which sorely needs a holster and maybe a few less things
 hanging off me. I get a little belt-crazy sometimes.

Looking exactly like a figurehead carved onto the prow of a ship.

Steampunk ladies with parasols in front of my building

Wonderful pose in front of an old carriage house

Yours truly holding a 108-year-old iron lantern and my great-grandmother's
parasol or umbrella on the staircase of the Jefferson Market Library.

A rose and a steampunk lady beautifying each other.

Dainty steampunk lady in front of the Jefferson Market Garden (we could not go inside
because they wanted a $350 fee for photography permissions).

A theatrical pose on the staircase of the Jefferson Market Library

I love this photo of the ringlet'ed lady with the lantern in the Library.

Looking very nautical in the armillary in Minetta Park (unfortunately I
could not Photoshop out the local in the background.

Steampunk trio on the armillary.

Click to see the rest at my Photobucket page 

costumes, photography

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