photos from the Jazz Age Lawn Party, July 18, 2010

Jul 19, 2010 17:43

Last weekend was the annual Jazz Age Lawn Party on Governor's Island. I went on Sunday along with mystressprynne , thatjazz , exfish , and luxvalence . Below are some photos from the event. It will be repeated in August if you missed it and would like to attend.

mystressprynne , me, and thatjazz  in front of an antique Model A, truly a work of art from the days when things were well-made.

Closer view of mystressprynne , me, and thatjazz

Another shot of the three of us in front of the vintage car.

thatjazz  poses in front of a cream-colored beauty that was the belle of the automobiles on display. There was not only a sign saying Do Not Touch but also a man guarding it.

Me in front of the cream-colored vintage car. It's a LaSalle from the late 20s. I am modelling my home-made, slightly crooked 20s patternless dress.

I like the girl's knickers and sweater vest.

The gold lame dress is from the 1960s and was featured in the fashion show.

This old gent is no fool - there are usually more women than men at any dance and he took the opportunity to dance with several young ladies.

The pink dress looks more 1930s but is probably a reproduction. The beaded dress on the right was one of the few original 20s gowns to be seen (as evident by its weathered condition). In the background, a gent in vintage swimsuit.

A dapper old gent having a lark with a lady in a 1930s gown.

There were lots of fellows wearing plus fours.

These two experts demonstrated the Peabody dance

Beautiful netted lace gown on the lady on the left.

These two were fantastic dancers.

Lively old gent enjoying a dance with the lady in the 30s gown

Dashing fellow in plus-fours and lady in a butterfly dress

The tug-o'-war contest - gents' division.

In the Admiral's house, I posed in front of mirrored arches.

mystressprynne  in front of a fireplace in the Admiral's house.

mystressprynne  under a chandelier in the Admiral's house

Me under the chandelier in the Admiral's house.

exfish  and luxvalence  relaxing on the grass near the ferry.

Jazz Age parents, looking like an Impressionist painting.

Close-up of the Jazz Age parents, because they are so cool. Even their pram looks old-timey.

Two ladies in white lacy dresses that were fashionable among young women of the 20s.

photos, 1920s

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