photos from the 2010 Steampunk World's Fair

May 24, 2010 17:29

The best thing about the Steampunk World's Fair was the amazing, amazing costumes of the attendees. The worst thing was almost a good thing - there was just too much to do and I spent the weekend dashing hither and yon, wishing I had a doppelganger so I could be in two places at once. It was a tremendous amount of fun and I got to indulge my fantasy of changing my clothes five times a day while servants cleaned up after me and waiters brought me tasty food and drinks. Almost like a privileged Victorian lady, except this lady had to return home on Sunday to clean the kitty litter box and fix dinner for herself - back to jeans and tees! But it was fun while it lasted and I look forward to next year's event.

Group of military steampunks.

First stop was the Cup of Brown Joy tea-party, where the dashing Professor Elemental made a brief appearance (Kit Kat the opera singer was the main attraction, as well as endless cups of tea and delicious pastries).

tripletlads  with two of the lads and some friends and/or family. tripletlads  was a steampunk photographer with a truly amazing and functional photographic device.

I participated in the Iron Modder contest - make a steampunk newspaper-themed costume from a pile of rummage in 45 minutes! Our entry, a piratey newsie, is second from left. I amazed myself by modding a pair of pants into knickers in fifteen minutes. We won second prize, a Black and Decker drill.

Aside from her beautiful attire, this lady had an amazing steampunk prosthetic hand. She said it wasn't her 'everyday' prosthetic.

Close-up of the steampunk prosthetic hand.

Friday evening was the Big Brass Ball part one, 19th century ballroom dancing. There were some incredible gowns on display.

More breathtaking ball gowns. Eowyn of Vintage Dance Northeast is in fuschia.

The atrium of the Embassy Suites was well-suited to steampunk photography.

In the vendor's corridor we ran into this naval fellow with a mechanical parrot on his shoulder. The parrot is a toy not intentionally steampunk but certainly looks like it was custom-made for steampunk pirate.

A historian who writes for the Discovery Channel wore an 1860s richly embroidered jacket, originally meant to be worn to court. We jokingly asked him if he ever wore it to court and he said quite seriously that it is no longer appropriate and he has other attire for court appearances. You never know who you'll meet in steampunk circles!

My costume for the Ball. I wanted to keep it simple as I knew I'd get hot and sweaty dancing.

Another appearance of my vivandiere costume, which is my favorite ensemble. Someone recognized it from my post to steamfashion.

In the courtyard, I spotted a few Western-style steampunks.

All kinds of weaponry was on display.

I love everything about this lady's costume, but especially her double parasol.

Lots of men in kilts, which was great because I got to ogle their sexy legs.

I was one of few uncorseted ladies.

A serious-looking group with a modded rifle.

Professor Elemental's fabulously entertaining show. He is doing his chap-hop thing with the assistance of a lucky lady from the audience.

jadegirl  in front of a fabulous steampunk, er, device of sorts.

The lovely madamekat  modelling one of her gorgeous creations. It's hard to believe she's not a professional seamstress.

A couple of steampunk gents of the more adventurous variety.

The steampunk swimwear show was a highlight. This gent is modelling typical 19th century swimwear for men.

Although my shots of her at the steampunk swimwear show didn't turn out, I caught this lady in her home-made steampunk swim team suit in the vendor's room.

The audience at the steampunk swimwear show.

Although she wasn't inside the pool room, I loved this lady's Western costume, very remiscent of Annie Oakley.

I'm not sure how this is a swimsuit. It looked more like a 50s girdle and hoop petticoat. Nevertheless the lady swam in it (sans pettiocat).

kittiethedragon  turned out as a beautiful lady.

Rocking out on a steampunk guitar.

A couple of 'ladies' with incredible gowns.

A steampunk contraption with a live fish. Sadly, the fish did not survive the entire convention.

The ridiculously charismatic Professor Elemental with a rakish Edwardian dandy.

Catherine, holzman , Professor Elemental, and the rakish-looking fellow.

My Western steam outfit. Many of the elements, such as the faux skirt lifters, and the belt bag and wrist cuff (not visible), were made from a beloved old pocketboot that wore out.

holzman  looking rather impressive.

hatofhornigold  and Catherine.

dmp  in yet another outstandingly creative costume.

Steampunk parent pushing a pram with little steampunk niblet inside.

There were many photo shoots in the Embassy's atrium, and I surreptitiously photographed this gent while he was posing for his friends.

This little steampunk robot was unbelievably cute.

The steampunk home exhibit had much to drool over and be inspired by, like this steampunk computer.

Another fantastic steampunk computer.

There was also a display of steampunk bicycles.

This bicycle in the 'streamline' art deco style is so slick. 

steampunk world's fair

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