As we get ready to kick off
our read-along, let's get to know each other a bit better!
This isn't necessary to participate in the read-along. It's just for funsies.
Also, I am totally stealing this idea from the lovely ladies in charge of
ljrevival: In order to facilitate low pressure involvement, you can let us know whether or not you will be selectively adding people. Not adding everyone who participates is a-okay!
Name/nickname:Username on (fill in any service you like)Tumblr:DW:LJ:Twitter: What kinds of things do you usually post?What kinds of fanworks, if any, do you make? What are you most looking forward to about the BBC version of Parade's End? Favorite book:Favorite musics:Current fandom(s) of choice:Favorite characters: Other awesome things about you: ADDING //
/ around the option you prefer)
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