Meme, stolen from lots of people:
1. Stop what you're doing. Print Screen.
2. Print screen your current desktop.
3. If you have Photoshop open, print screen.
4. If you have a music player open, print screen.
5. Pick a folder, open it, print screen.
Click for bigger on all of these.
LJ flist, where I saw this meme for the 90th time and decided I wanted to do it. Not a lot up in this browser, though if you look at the dock, you can see all the other windows I've had up and have had to minimize in order to clear the clutter. Also, it is currently 4:56 pm, and I haven't showered or left my couch all day.
Desktop. Art by Bryan Lee O'Malley of Scott Pilgrim fame. It was this, and then a few days ago it was this awesome fanart of Pete and Patrick kissing, but then a boy came over and wanted to use my computer, so I had to change it asap. Assorted icons I haven't uploaded or moved to a folder yet, plus Merle my external harddrive (currently being used to watch season 1 of Farscape). I really love all the pink.
iTunes. The newest Cary Ann Hearst EP, which I have not bought just yet. This is actually also up in the Amazon tab in my browser, because I prefer Amazon downloads to iTunes. Unfort, there's like a dollar price difference. DDD: Sadly, you cannot see the glory that is my playlist list, because it is far too long to fit in the window. I have LOTS.
My downloads folder. Why yes, I am a pirate. Some movies I haven't watched yet, some tv shows I'm working on watching, some mixes, and Neil Gaiman's short film which I somehow still have not seen. This folder really isn't terribly interesting, is it?