Doctor Who-verse Writers: Ratings and speculations

Oct 27, 2006 19:06

This 'project' started in the way most projects start. I was bored.

What I attempt to do here is to organize all the episodes of Doctor Who and Torchwood out already by writer and rate them. Then, I will use an average of those ratings (plus other factors such as the number of episodes written and overall quality) to come up with writer ratings.

What the ratings mean:

4 - Brilliant stuff
3 - Technically flawless but didn't grab me emotionally as much as it could/lacked some enjoyment factor that would make me rewatch it
2 - Has some noticeable problems, but enjoyable overall
1 - You'd have to pay me to watch this again

Based on those, I'll try and make predictions about how much I'm going to like episodes not aired yet.

Bear in mind that the episode ratings are subjective. You can go on all day about whatever technical flaws "The Parting of the Ways" might have had. I'd listen, nod, smile, and disregard everything you say, since I spent that episode alternately making squeaky noises and bawling my eyes out. Sometimes both at the same time. Similarly, if a technically flawless episode failed to get any real emotional response out of me, it'll get a lower rating.


Russel T. Davies
Rose - 4
The Parting of the Ways - 4
The Christmas Invasion - 4
Army of Ghosts - 4
Gridlock - 4
Sarah Jane Adventures: Invasion of the Bane (w/ Gareth Roberts) - 4

The End of the World - 3
Tooth and Claw - 3
Smith and Jones - 3
Torchwood: Everything Changes - 3

Aliens of London - 2
World War III - 2
The Long Game - 2
Boom Town - 2
Bad Wolf - 2
New Earth - 2
Love and Monsters - 2
Doomsday - 2
The Runaway Bride - 2

Episodes written: 19
Average rating: 2.84

Upcoming episodes: "Utopia" (featuring Jack's return to DW!), "The Sound of Drums" and "The Last of the Time Lords." All of this is Doctor Who, and I'm looking forward to each and every one.

Mark Gatiss
"The Unquiet Dead" - 3
"The Idiot's Lantern" - 1

Episodes written: 2
Average rating: 2

What do you do with scores like those? One good episode, and one for the MSTers.

Upcoming episodes: None

Robert Shearman
"Dalek" - 4

Episodes written: 1
Average rating: 4

Why hasn't this guy written more?! He needs to write more! And he's not, which is a damn shame.

Upcoming episodes: None

Paul Cornell
Father's Day - 4

Episodes written: 1
Average rating: 4

Upcoming episodes: A Doctor Who two-parter: "Human Nature" and "Family of Blood," which I'm looking forward to quite a lot.

Steven Moffatt
"The Empty Child" - 4
"The Doctor Dances" - 4
"The Girl in the Fireplace" - 4

Episodes written: 3
Average rating: 4

If I had to pick the best writer the team's ever had, Steven Moffatt is it, no question. His record is spotless and he more than deserved his Hugo award. He also wrote the hillarious "Curse of the Fatal Death", which is yet another point in his favor.

Upcoming episodes: Doctor Who episode 10 - "Blink." I'll stay up all night to watch this one on the day it comes out, if I have to.

Toby Whithouse
"School Reunion" - 4

Torchwood: Greeks Bearing Gifts - 2

Episodes written: 2
Average rating: 3

It's worth mentioning that I've seen "School Reunion" five or six times, at this point.

"Greeks Bearing Gifts" is, um, nice? It was also nice when it was called "Earshot" and Jane Espenson wrote it for the third season of Buffy.

Upcoming episodes: None

Tom MacRae
"The Rise of the Cybermen" - 2
"The Age of Steel" - 4

Episodes written: 2
Average rating: 3

Ok, so "The Rise of the Cybermen had some serious snags, but it was still a fun episode, and it provided buildup to the vastly better "Age of Steel". MacRae seems to enjoy writing these episodes, and it shows.

Upcoming episodes: None

Matt Jones
"The Impossible Planet" - 4
"The Satan Pit" - 3

Episodes written: 2
Average rating: 3.5

And ok, I was tempted to give "The Satan Pit" a 4 as well. Its only real problem was not being as good as its predecessor (and having a kinda cheesy-looking Devil, but that's hardly the writer's fault...). Still, "The Impossible Planet" was better, and I had to set it apart, somehow.

Upcoming episodes: None

Matthew Graham
"Fear Her" - 1

Episodes written: 1
Average rating: 1

"Fear Her" had three good moments: "I was a dad, once." "Who's gonna hold his hand now?" [emphasis mine]. And "A storm is approaching." Other than that, "Fear Her" was almost as bad as "The Idiot's Lantern". On the flip side, if you're marathoning the series, this is the perfect time to go on a pee break.

Upcoming episodes: None

Chris Chibnall
Torchwood: Day One - 1
Torchwood: Cyberwoman - 2
Torchwood: Countrycide - 2
Torchwood: End of Days - 3

Episodes written: 4
Average rating: 2

You've already heard me rant about "Day One" at length, so I won't go on. I will say, though, that where "Fear Her" merely bored me, and "The Idiot's Lantern" pissed me off at only one point, "Day One" made me want to claw my eyes out on an ongoing basis.

ETA: Ok, definite improvement with each coming episode. I count that as a good thing.

Upcoming episodes: DW episode 7 - "42".

Gareth Roberts
He wrote "Attack of the Graske", but I'm not scoring that as an episode, as I didn't watch it as an episode. Hard to pay attention to the script, when David Tennant is talking directly to you (well, more or less).

Still, it was an excellent game idea, and I expect good things from Roberts.

The Shakespeare Code - 4

Sarah Jane Adventures: Invasion of the Bane (w/ Russell T. Davies) - 4

Episodes written: 2
Average rating: 4

Upcoming episodes: None

Helen Raynor
Daleks Take In Manhattan - 3
Evolution of the Daleks - 2

Torchwood: Ghost Machine - 4

Episodes written: 3
Average rating: 3

She's a script editor for both DW and Torchwood, as well as a fan, judging by her having written for DW Magazine. Both are good signs that she knows what she's doing. We'll see what she's capable of as an episode writer very soon. This Sunday, as a matter of fact.

ETA: "Ghost Machine" turned out to be by far and away the best Torchwood episode we've seen so far. Consequently, I doff my hat to Raynor and await impatiently anything coming from her in the future.

Upcoming episodes: None

Stephen Greenhorn
The Lazarus Experiment - 2

Episodes written: 1
Average rating: 2

Upcoming episodes: None

PJ Hammond
Torchwood: Small Worlds - 3

Episodes written: 1
Average rating: 3

He was the creator of "Sapphire and Steel", which I've heard good things about, and apparently was approached for a DW story at one point, though it didn't wind up being used. (And considering some of John Nathan Turner's other decisions, this may actually speak in Hammond's favor.) All in all, I'm excited to see what he's got.

ETA: Good, solid stuff. Creeped the fuck out of me.

Upcoming episodes: None

Paul Tomalin and Dan McCulloch
Total unknowns. Not even a Wikipedia article in sight for either.

Torchwood: They Keep Killing Suzie - 4

Episodes written: 1
Average rating: 4

Could I just marry the both of them, along with Helen Raynor? It would be a happy and harmonious group marriage, that one.

Upcoming episodes: None

Jacquetta May

Torchwood 9: Random Shoes - 1

Episodes written: 1
Average rating: 1

Upcoming episodes: None, and thank fuck for that. This is one unknown writer who can remain unknown, as far as I'm concerned.

Catherine Tregenna
Total unknown. No Wikipedia article.

Torchwood 10: Out of Time - 4
Torchwood 12: Captain Jack Harkness - 4

Episodes written: 2
Average rating: 4

Gushing amounts of love!

Upcoming episodes: None :-(

Noel Clarke
Better known as Mickey Smith. Fabulous actor. Have no idea what his writing abilities are like. Though I'll forever think of his episode as actually written by Mickey.

Torchwood: Combat - 2

Episodes written - 1
Average rating - 2

Upcoming episodes: None

There. I think that's all of them. For now.

writers, torchwood, ratings, sarah jane adventures, doctor who

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