Simon bought me a Lomographic Coloursplash camera for a going-away present! It has a coloured flash that makes the colours of what you're taking a photo of go all weird. Plus there's a long-exposure option so you can doo blurry, ghosty-things with it! There are very few instructions on how exactly to use it but I think that may be the point, because the pictures are supposed to be weird! Simon gives such thoughtful presents, he just knows me so well he always gets the perfect thing!
He liked his hot-water-bottle cover.
The suppression of craftiness I've been doing in the lead-up to going away broke today, and I had to paint a particle-board placemat with folk-art colour to prepare it for decoupageing with clippings from my Gil Elvgren desk calendar. I couldn't stop myself.
Jenny and Chris are coming over later and we're gonna go out to eat, 'cos me and Jen won't see Chris for a month! Hopefully we'll go get some Indian at Singh's, I'll see if we can steer us in that direction. I hope Jenny's calmed down, her highly-strung-edness is gonna get old real quick while we're overseas. In fact it's old already.
I scored well at the Brotherhood Op Shop today, I got The Nanny Diaries and Sushi for Beginners by Marian Keyes, both of which look set to be brilliant airport reads. I thought the Marian Keyes one might be a bit shit because I generally hare 'chick lit'- they're always filled with characters you'd never be mates with because they're such wet kleenexes- but I read an interview with Marian Keyes and she was really funny, and the first chapter of Sushi actually gave me a few chuckles out loud, which is rare. And it's good and thick! After I've read the books I'll release them a la