Hey, Young Voters!

Nov 02, 2008 17:44

Usually my posts are intended for not only everyone on my friends list, but also anyone else who happens by. But today I'm posting something specifically for one group: those of you the press likes to refer to as young voters. I know a lot of people are already encouraging you to vote on Tuesday and I'm just one more voice in the crowd. I hope we aren't becoming annoying. The thing is, you all are extremely important, not just right now, but always. This election is about your future and a lot of us think you should have a say in it.

I turned 48 years old last Tuesday and I still remember the first time I voted. Since I was going to turn 18 in an election year, my dad made absolutely sure I'd be registered to vote in November. It was 1978, so there wasn't a presidential election, but I trotted down to the Highland Park (Texas) Town Hall/Police Station/Library anyway, and cast my vote. There was almost no one there and there was nothing super important on the ballot, but still, I got to cast my vote and have my say in the way I'd be governed. And after I voted I walked out sniffling and wiping my eyes because I felt so good that I'd been able to vote. And I can honestly say I have felt that exact same wonderful feeling every time I have voted since then, even when it was just a school board election. I would much rather feel that happy feeling than sit back, hopeless and watch.

The Republicans are hoping you will not vote. In fact, they are counting on it. I've encountered plenty that are smug about it.

But I have tremendous faith in you. I believe you will prove them wrong on Tuesday.

This video has been posted all over LJ already, but it's great, so here it is again.

image Click to view

After you vote on Tuesday, come back and tell me about your experience. I want to hear from you and your friends.


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