Diet, Exercise, Hell's Kitchen

Apr 16, 2008 11:53

Yesterday I went to the gym for the first time in many years. I rode a recumbent stationary bike for 20 minutes. Today my knees hurt less and I’m getting around so much better and I feel about 2000% better in general. I even slept better last night. I am really looking forward to going back tonight.

I am going to Trophy Fitness Club, which is very convenient to me, not crowded, has TVs on each bike/treadmill/stairmaster/elliptical, plenty of free weights and machines, free classes, and really nice locker rooms + a “water house” with rain shower and steam cave in addition to the whirlpool . Plus it is next door to and affiliated with a spa, which makes it easier for me to use facials, manicures, etc. as rewards instead of food.

One funny thing - the trainer who showed me around was a little ... on something, I think. He was sort of bouncing off the walls. And when asked what the monthly fee is, he said it is $47.63. Somehow I don’t think that’s right!

My plan is to keep biking and maybe walking on the treadmill a little for the next two weeks until I have my knee strengthened and loosened up a little, then have one session with a trainer to get a good cardio & light weights circuit set up that I can alternate with the bike and treadmill. I would also like to take the yoga and pilates classes, but I think I need limbering up before I do that, as well, so that’s another thing to start in a couple of weeks. I think this should be a big boost to losing weight as well as finally getting rid of at least some of my knee and back pain.

The only TV I watched last night was
Hell’s Kitchen:

This herd of donkeys seems to be more incompetent than they usually are. I wonder if that’s because there isn’t a glaring, obviously shouldn’t be there donkey like Aaron this time around? Or there isn’t since Sharon left? I felt pretty bad for Vanessa. Not so much for Jason. I’m fairly certain his misogyny was at least partly and act and egged on by producers, but it was so offensive I’m delighted I won’t have to put up with more of it (at least until the end). Good job on getting rid of him, Hell’s Bitches! Oh, and those chocolate souffles looked downright nasty! Ewwww! Next week looks like more of the same. Usually it’s the risotto that causes tears and wailing for weeks. This season it’s more the meat station. I can’t decide if I felt sorry for Craig. They were definitely bullying him, but what is he doing there if he can’t cut up a chicken? Or was he unable to cut up the chicken under pressure? Yeah, I think I do feel sorry for him.

Best things of the episode: 1) GRRR banging his head on the stainless steel counter. I desperately want an icon of that. And then, “I have a headache.” LOL!!! and 2) The sneering, WTGDF look on Jean-Phillipe’s face when Bobby started handing out little portions of the chicken. Priceless! Dear god, I adore Jean-Phillipe!

diet, exercise, hell's kitchen, fitness

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