8 days to the Potterdammerung. My current theory is that Homeland Security’s recent increase in warning level was due to their fear of the world being overtaken by splooge rather than anything related to al Qaida.
think I’ll hold off on any serious reviewage of SYTYCD until after tonight. Suffice it to say that I had fun with every routine and that I feel that considering the limitations placed by the shows format, it was all swell, silly summer dancing fun.
I haven’t read any forums yet, but I probably will do that tonight as well. I have a feeling that the anti-Lauren and Neil frothing will be a true thing of beauty. It won’t rival the post-HBP Wank of Doom, or even the ZOMG Jessi wuz robbed wank of two weeks ago (though I suspect the wank streams between the two have become crossed), but it should be pretty darned hilarious. I find myself loving them more and more and hoping they win, just because of all the wank they cause throughout SYTYCD fandom. Joy!!!
And yay I’ll finally get to see OotP in around 12ish hours!!!!
I am busybusybusy, so back to work! Hopefully more tonight or sometime tomorrow. Will try to do some commenting/responding then, as well.