Another great leg with another interesting location (Vietnam). Peter continued to be loathesome (though Sarah herself rocks) and Tom and Jerry continued to bug me. Team Tiara continues to rock the house for me, as to Godwin & Erwin and Team Kentucky. I’m pretty meh on the -lyns. Sometimes they’re great and sometimes they annoy. Actually, I think it’s just the one of them that has a little bit of a negative attitude. And the models ... I dunno. They’re nice to look at and I have nothing against them, but they’re not particularly exciting. Yet. I almost forgot Rob & Kimberly, the generic fighting couple of this round of the race, because they are pretty forgettable so far. As for Duke and Lauren, they’d recovered from the awfulness of the first leg and I was starting to really like them. Now they’re gone. Boo.
Both the challenges were fun, too. I loved the flower market chaos and the pretty flowers, and woohoo a coal challenge for the coal miner! Poor -wins, though, having to remake all of their bricks!
Also, Phil looked great.
Cold Case:
This is the only thing I let make me cry voluntarily, and I do it on a weekly basis. The ending, with the little girl saluting her mom... *sob*
Without a Trace:
Um. I really didn’t need any of that, thank you. I think that is my least favorite episode of WaT. Okay, Martin verbally smacking down the druggie stripper was cool, and Viv’s always great, but the rest? Urgh.
I keep messing myself up this week with buses. On Monday, I forgot to switch out my monthly pass, and realized when I got the train station that I only had the September one, so I had to buy a one-day pass, which was a waste of $2.50. Then, this morning, I thought I had missed the SMU shuttle at my close stop and force-marched myself to the farther one that it gets to later, only to have it turn the corner behind me right after I left the bus stop. At least I got some exercise this morning.
On the good side, the evening bus driver finally remembers who I am and has been very nicely letting me off around the corner in front of my complex rather than at the bus stop, which is across a very trafficky street that has no light or stop sign or anything. So, my chances of being hit by a car on the way home have gone down substantially. If I’m running late in the morning and can’t get across the trafficky street before the bus comes, sometimes that driver will pick me up in front of my complex.
I need to answer comments, and will do so when I get home this evening. It’ll be a little later than usual. I need to run an errand.