"I dreamed a dream in time gone by..."

Jun 12, 2004 15:58

What Color is Your Brain?

brought to you by Quizilla

Did I cheat? How did I do that? How did it come to be this way? Why do I end up with the same answers as everyone else who I like? Damn.

Well. First things are first. I went to the audition and was the last one to perform. I did the Holy Hand Grenade Monologue from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and I didn't laugh, which was good. The judges did, but I didn't. And then I sang Little People, and got terrible stage-fright, and the pianist said that I needed musical accompaniment, which I didn't have (because Little People doesn't have any.) So he went over to get Nikki's song-book (three people, including myself, sang Les Mis songs, Nikki was one of them) and he made me sing I Dreamed a Dream. So it's stuck in my head.

The dance person looked like he jumped off the stage of RENT. He looked like Tom Collins. He acted like Angel. He danced. He was very odd. But I liked him. Despite pulling a leg muscle. I'm going to practice the dances he taught us. Ow. Maybe not.

I'm still angsty, though. Mon characters are talking. Pierre is defending his right to change the revolution's motto to Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Sorority. Michel is defending his right to change the motto to Liberty, Equality, Hypocrisy. Jean, now named Jacques, is randomly picking off snipers to defend Michel. Ethan, now Maximilian, is lobbing Pierre's wings off to defend himself. And Cate is complaining that it is "not fair" that her father was the evil side of a man who changed from good to evil. She also is complaining that it's "not fair" that her magical picture changes its pictures at random without her consent. Stupid characters.
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