(no subject)

May 04, 2006 17:33

every time i sit down to update, i find myself almost too tired to type. this is clearly high on the suck-factor.

have had a lot of munchkin-herding to do at work lately. lovely kids, the waitresses, but useless as shit when it comes to doing any actual work. all the initiative of an arsing carrot. just add 'babysitter' to the fast-expandingn list of my duties, and colour me fucking exhausted.

um, because i can't be arsed typing, here's some pictures of my walk in the woods a couple of weeks ago. i camwhored a bit, and scared some interesting woodland creatures, fun fun. just thought all my aussies might like to see how ENGLISH everything is round here. luvverly.

in other news, i have just now right-this-second booked a flight to paris for the 1st of june. looking forward to moving on...i mean, the money's good here and the people are great, but i'm horrifically bored by doing the same thing every day. BUT! i have the new beth orton album, and all is thusly (almost) well with the world (although i'm a little worried by the fact that on the first track she appears to be channelling fiona apple. who isn't even dead.) have also discovered zero 7, who are awesome just because sia sings for them.

right. must go work more now.

love to all poodles great and small xx


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