Mar 17, 2005 20:33
Overnight this city has changed. Where less than a week ago we were sheltering from the cold beneath our long monteaux, we are now walking around in the warm weather sporting nothing more than a shirt. (and pants optional). The weather today and yesterday was uncanny, offering sun and a high of 25. This is the warmest St. Patricks day I have ever celebrated, though with a grammar test demain, there is not much celebrating to be had.
Tuesday night after dance class I walked as far as my feet could take me along the Seine. All of a sudden where the homeless once sat, lovers now enjoying one anothe'rs company in each others arms. Or stuck to one another's face for those a little less reserved and willing to offer extreme displays of public affection. Though I am not in a relationship now I can see how the warm weather has brought about romance, and I do have two dates this week. All of a sudden the number of couples in the city has mulitiplied furiously, and so has their love for one another. The other morning on the metro I was so appauled by this young couples displays of affection that I almost said something to them to discourage them from gropping each other in such a public way. However I reamained silent and frowned with scorn like an old cranky lady in a fur coat. It very awkward as they were sitting in front of me and there is not much room to be had between us. I think they were doing it to get a reaction, succeed.
Back to the Seine. The river was beautiful and the night was warm, it felt like a June evening in Toronto. Though right now Paris is bidding for the 2012 Olympics. so along the Seine they have installed coloured lights where there once were white lights. It gives off a LifeSaver impression as you are walking down the cobbled path, but artistic.
The city is absolutely undescribable now. And once again I am so inspired to try my hardest to paint a picture using words for you, but I find myself venturing into regions of unexplored English with no luck finding words of such grandeur. No phrases or adjectives suffice to explain, which is why I suppose everyone just actually paints it.
I just went for a petit prominade Before Sunset. The evening sun glazed the pale white buildings and their grey rooftops as the Parisians enjoyed the evening on their way home from work with their dinner baguette in hand. The beautiful and detailed architure glows and gargoyls almost animated speak to you in this soft warm light and I truly felt like a princess wandering though the streets near my apartment. I just couldn't be more thrilled with the weather and it has motivated great adventures already, I can tell the spring will have many more ahead. It is a sense of happiness that I just can't appreciate enough, I just know that I never want to leave.
As for tonight, I have now experienced the most content of moments as well as the hardest. If anyone thought that being in Toronto and having to study for finals was a difficult task, just try being in the most tinest of apartments, on the most beatiful of days (25 C in mid-March), in the most glorious of cities... studying your pronoun relatif and personal for a test tomorrow. The Agony!