Jul 25, 2007 09:29
Is it wrong to giggle when you hear about how badly life is going for an ex? I really don't care *hee hee hee* According to Chickachu he's been in rare form and gone from bad to worse to compleate bastard jackass since I broke up with him. That and he's been calling me what is up with that. I was really hoping that him hearing that I'd said he should have shot himself in the head (as opposed to vicadin and then calling everyone) would make him mad enough to never want to talk to me again. *sigh* meh *tee hee*
So me being evil and heartless let Chickachu know that I am very happy with my new boyfriend. This is not a lie but I made an extra point of letting her know so the information gets passed along to the ex and he can think of that while at the bar drinking for the 8th night in a row trying to pick up 40somethink skanks as has become his reported custom.
It's Wed *does a happy dance* just started re-reading goblet of fire. I had to read the first chapter of deathly hallows cus I just can't help myself. Work is really cutting into my free time for reading.