Sep 12, 2005 20:28
A road trip is like a right of passage into adult hood. At some point in your life you, like all adults, have taken a road trip. Road trips usually start with a specific destination in mind, something like a concert or an amusement park which is usually the best part of the trip for everyone involved. Sometimes, however, Not making it to the specified destination can be just as fun and exciting if not more than actually getting to where you had planned to go. A failed road trip can be an exhilarating and enjoyable experience.
To start this unconventional trip you first need to gather a few things. The first thing you are going to need is a car. Not just any car will do. You need to get a car that has been in the shop at 4 times in the past year. Something that is completely unreliable. The driver, preferably the owner of said unreliable car, should be licensed yet not have very much experience. The second thing you will need is a group of friends, four to five or enough to fit comfortably in the car you have chosen. What is best is to have are a group of very giggly and tired teenage girls on their first un-chaperoned road trip, but teenage boys will work as well just as long as they are very talkative. The third thing you are going to need are some very unclear directions with long periods of driving straight on the same highway for the inexperienced driver to go by. Hand written directions usually by a family member are best. The fourth and most important element in creating a disastrous trip is an enormous amount of excitement regarding the final stop on the road trip.
Now that you have everything you need to make this trip an enormous disaster here are the steps that should be followed. The first step is to get the participants, for the purposes of this paper the participants will be four 16 to 17 years old, of the road trip up early in the mourning and into the unpredictable car with the vague directions and all of their excitement. The second thing to be done is for the inexperienced driver to make the first turn of the whole road trip onto the wrong highway. This should be blamed partially on the directions and partly on the excited chattering of the driver and the others in the car. The third step for this process is to continue on that highway straight for many, many miles, per the faulty directions, all the while the passengers exclaiming about how excited they are and gossiping about this and that not paying much attention. When it is finally getting close to where you must take your exit have all the lively and talkative passengers in the car help watch for your exit. The fourth step goes something like: when you do not find said exit stop in nearest unknown town at a gas station for a map to find out that you have driven several hours in the wrong direction. The fifth step is for the driver to finally get directions from the gas station attendant and get on the right path after a bit of a scenic detour. The sixth part of the trip is to get within one hour driving time of the final destination and to have the erratic car that started the trip breakdown in a small town. The last part of the trip is to have the driver of the unreliable car to call her parents and tell them what has happened and to have these parents ungenerously drive the long trip to retrieve the stranded road trippers while said road trippers wait and ultimately missing the reason they started the catastrophic trip in the first place.
These instructions are a step by step guide to creating an unsuccessful vacation. There are many variations that can be made to fit any specific situation like chinging the participants into a young family. Some of the specifics in the procedure will have to be tweaked but the main events will always help create an exciting and memorable trip for all of the participants. The feature that is most important, about taking the type of road trip described here is however that everyone involved have a magnificent time, even if they did miss something they were extremely excited about.