
Nov 16, 2014 22:24

Hello self,

I'm back after a long long long hiatus. Life's been alright and so much has happened during these past few months. Let's just say I've learnt and matured. I just hope I can motivate self and work hard for my own future! Don't want to be slogging away like a slave even in my thirties. T.T

And I've been telling myself to blog because I want to have something to look back on when I'm older. But I'm always too lazy... Haha well, I'm gonna try not to! But it's definitely gonna be hard, especially when there's Dayre and cos I'm working in the production line now so my time is really not mine anymore... But well, I shall try if not I won't have anything to reminisce on in the future! I know I already regret not updaitng my life in the states for that three months and also those times in Japan! I already forgot so much of it, but it''s okay. The highlights and important things of the trip will never be forgetten by my heart (hopefully haha)

Tomorrow marks the official first day (saturday doesn't really count) of my work and I'm really scared. Of what? I don't know. Scared I'll do something wrong, scared I'll offend someone without knowing, scared I'm not good enough and doesn't know enough. There's way too many things that can happen. But I'll try my best, no point worrying so much. At least I''ll not be whining over my job like the way I did the past month...

Okay, don't really know what else to type haha so this should be it. The next time I''ll be blogging will at least be one week later because next week is gonna be busy busy but its an exciting yet scary busy for me! 
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