[update] like a sunrise;

Nov 14, 2011 08:03




Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don’t matter,
and those who matter don’t mind.
     -- Dr. Seuss

I should really get back to sleep because I woke up at about 4am after falling asleep well before midnight last night and that is way too early since I have shift at three this afternoon.

I did, however, want to put this down:

But. That is not the point of this post. LMAO.'>

I don't really talk about my Tumblr that much, because one) I keep it strictly for a purpose other than stalking pictures and gifs for epic flail, I promise, other than the flail and that's to use it as a base of operations for my music; and two) because, in all brutal honesty -- Tumblr stresses me the hell out.

I don't know how to be myself over there and still juggle it well enough so that the highlight of the damn thing is me and my music and who I am. It never feels natural for me to post my selcas lol Mags badassbaby what is acquiring this term in my vocab or vanity shots because I don't want to look like I'm this conceited little girl with nothing better to do with her life than take gratuitous photos of herself. I mean, I like taking pictures of myself. But I like other things too. A lot of them hence my humongous backlog of THINGS TO DO.

Another is that, sometimes, I get really annoyed with the stuff I see. Not everything, of course. There are huge gems on Tumblr like that 9-piece gif set up there which is making me miss watching Doctor Who. Seriously. But sometimes, I see these "inspirational pictures" that are words stamped prettily over a 500x300 pixel-sized photo -- and they're not inspirational at all. They're actually very self-depracating and hipster and subvertly negative.

I don't need this kind of shenaniganry in my life. GOOD!FLAIL ONLY PLZ.

But. That is not the point of this post. LMAO.

It's kind of a trend, I think. This whole hiatus from my music thing.

I took a year off from a lot of things without even noticing that I actually did: doing lives, posting recorded music.

I've already talked about why that is, or why it feels that way for me, but what I always fail to address and just manage to skirt around is that -- there's a lot of fear inside of me.

I'm not very brave, I don't think so at least. At least not when venturing anywhere new. I can be as open or as pushy (I love that word, Em emothy) or adorably obnoxious to my friends -- but that's with my friends. With people I trust. Which, considering by the way I'm allowing myself to expand my social circle again, is a huge improvement over the last couple of years.

So when I go on Tumblr and share a cover of a song that I actually finished about two weeks ago. A cover I need Hiei and Em and Cyn vacivity to kick me (figuratively, we don't live in the same place enough for this to be real) in the bum so that I stop wibbling and just post--

--and then I get this amazing, beautiful, overwhelming response of love from not just friends but total strangers.

Well. Noey Waterworks are close enough to a meme now, really.

And I just really wanted to share that.

So yeah, happy Monday. :) Working only four days this week before I take Friday off to chill. It's the fourteenth today so that means YAY! MONIES! tomorrow. :)

P.S. For those of you in LJRPLand: Have a troll. Yeah, yeah. My life is eaten by Tokusatsu and I FREAKING. LOVE EEEET. /worships at the amazing altar of this brilliant, ridiculous, foppish privateer

this is my life, tumblr tumblr tumblr, flailing noey is not cute, noey has stuff to do enough flailing, my friends are awesomesauce, on the internet and the things in it, singing someone else's songs

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