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[aaaaand, action!] al and shou. somewhere in season 2. the last truce we ever came to. mlina August 5 2011, 21:34:34 UTC

The room is bare save for the cot and a single window that frames nothing but the sky and Alcione cannot help but think back to another day so long ago when that same, never-ending gray altered the course of her life indefinitely.

Don't! You'll get sick if you go out in that.

But Shou-chan, I want to go home. Mama said I can watch over the babies today.

But if you go out in that rain, you'll get sick. See? It's only getting harder. Come sit by me. We can go home together.

The slight whine of metal scraping against metal draws her gaze over her shoulder towards the door and the man now framed beneath it.

"Been a long time, Ria-chan."

Ando Shou has not changed at all. He has that kind of face: the kind whose features alter very little even as he grows older each year. In the photograph in her wallet, the one showing the two of them in their old neighborhood playground (the same one he'd pressed into her palm nearly five years ago when fate had thrown them back together again) his features are softer but nevertheless the same.

Al shifts and lifts her manacled hands. Her voice is soft even as she tries for bravado. "An invitation to dinner would have been better, you know."

She does not know why her heart does not sink nor fear spike in her when the look he turns her way turns cruel. She should be frightened of him. This is not the boy she grew up with, fingers sticky with paste that one time they'd accidentally broken his grandmother's favorite vase; nor is he the teenager who stuck by her in those last, few, hard years of high school before he dropped out of sight and mind. This is not her Shou-chan, who would hold her hand so tight as they made that yearly trek to the cemetary where the remains of her family had been laid to rest.

This is another man; a hard and cutthroat individual greatly lacking in any moral compass.

She does not flinch when he comes over, she is too proud to give him that. She is tired of running. Even when his hands come up to wrap those slender, ringed fingers around her neck, she remains still and calm.

She knows how strong he is. She's seen him snap a man's neck with the same amount of dispassionate ennui that a person might show when opening a soda bottle whose contents are something they are not that inclined to drink.

She shuts her eyes when she feels his thumbs press against her throat. "Of all in the world," there is bite of bitterness beneath the words. "I expected better of you, Ria."

She tenses as his fingers tighten about her neck, slowly cutting off her air but not too quickly so that the pain is maximized. In spite of the sting of tears at the backs of her eyes she manages to quip a comeback.

"That's the funny thing about expectations," her head feels light. She wonders why he won't just get it over with. "Reality can't keep up."

The fingers loosen suddenly and she cannot help but inhale deep, spots dancing before her eyes. It takes her over a minute to realize that the cuffs no longer weigh on her wrists; that she is now free to run and leave.

"As of this moment, you are dead to me."

She looks up and sees only the window; turns and finds that he is already half outside the threshold of the door.

"The guards are on break. There is a car downstairs that will drop you off in Ikebukuro. Make sure I never see your face again."


Prompt: Source ; first shared here


Re: [aaaaand, action!] al and shou. somewhere in season 2. the last truce we ever came to. vacivity August 5 2011, 21:44:01 UTC
I want to see more of Shou! *_*


Re: [aaaaand, action!] al and shou. somewhere in season 2. the last truce we ever came to. emothy August 7 2011, 16:25:48 UTC


Re: [aaaaand, action!] al and shou. somewhere in season 2. the last truce we ever came to. mailnosecret August 8 2011, 00:56:42 UTC

omggggg I did not expect this. Totally didn't expect this *___* ok is Shou on the Team as well?



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