[update] girl's gotta try somehow;

Aug 03, 2011 14:50

When crisis strikes, I turn to this. We're seeing a trend, obviously.

(No, I still have not figured out who it is that managed to list my cover of Coldplay's "The Scientist" on Last.fm. I would like to think it is Zyn mailnosecret, but bbgirl's confirmed that she hasn't touched her Last.fm in close to a year so... that strikes her out? o3o;;)

So a bit of a backgrounder: about a week ago I signed in on my Last.fm account in order to link it to this journal. While locating songs and artists for my library there, I came across my name listed against a song I'd covered several months back. And yes, I realize that I may have acted impulsively, but I've grabbed the artists' page for my name. I'm paranoid like that. Besides, if I don't push for this who will, right?

A girl's got to try somehow.

I'm pretty sure I didn't really talk about this here (not... in-depth anyway), but now and then I update my Tumblr, which was created solely for the purpose of acting as my base of operations because of the way that the site interface is set up.

Interested parties may find the list of songs performed and shared here. They're not the most... stellar of recordings, but I make do with what I have on-hand.

Also, covers are downloadable, originals are not. I admit I'm not... that prepared just yet to take the risk with the songs that come from me. Uploading things with a naive trust in fate could prove careless because I'm no stranger to theft, which is as flattering as it is nerve-wracking.

So yes. My music (or a select number of songs by yours truly) is now on Last.fm. I would like to appeal to those of you who know what my music means to me to IDK... help? Please? I just want my stuff out there. I want this to happen, if not sooner, then I'm also fine with later.

I haven't enabled the downloading option just yet, but all of the songs are set on Full Preview mode. Listen, share, link back to the site. Every little bit counts in the long run.

[click the picture to proceed to the page]

So anyway. Bedtime for me. Have work tonight and I need to catch up on much needed rest.

Stay shiny, bbs.

tired noey is tired, this is my life, tumblr tumblr tumblr, flailing noey is not cute, original compositions, teka ano-- wait what?, what is this shenaniganry, shenanigans is serious business, 【♪♫】, shiny is shiny is shiny, remember this, on the internet and the things in it

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